Chapter 11

October 28, 11 AF – New World International – 1530 hours


The day wasn't much of a hassle as he thought it would be. Moon fit in like she never was a transfer student. Everyone loved her, contrary to him, the most powerful and known mage in the school but the most anti-social. Looking at her talking to everyone, he only sighed at the difference of their social skills.

"That was one heavy sigh there." Lily whispered. "The great Blake is frustrated." She then snickered with a large grin on her tiny face.

"Butt off, you damned fairy," he exclaimed. As far back even as a kid, he was the type that could fit in anywhere but preferred to be alone. Though after certain circumstances, he never understood others as well as he should or trusted too easily.

He stared at the afternoon sun by the window of the classroom. The Yggdrasil tree looked like a strange rock formation in the distance. He thought to himself, this world sure is a peculiar creation. He wondered how God imagined his creations to change so suddenly. Like the setting sun, the darkness of the night, then the dawn of a new age. The beliefs of society changed so drastically and most of humanity chose to believe in one unified belief due to the re-emergence of magic and the like that there is no conclusion to the mysteries of the universe. That the world we live in is constantly changing and ever-lasting at the same time. Nowadays because of the unification and the monarchy's rule, it became the core of an established global system called the Arkos.

"Ethan." Moon called. She was standing at the doorway holding the door. "How long do you intend to keep staring into the sun?" He had forgotten about the time. He was also supposed to show them around the area after class.

Quietly… he thought to myself,

Who is this woman?

Once they got back, Arc sent him a message saying that he can't go with them since he had paperwork to finish, courtesy of the headmaster. He asked if it was okay for just Ethan to go with Moon to buy their stuff. Ethan replied a simple Ok. Arc then sent a list of what they needed and Ethan regretted it immediately. The list ranged from cooking appliances to bedsheets and to simple groceries. This is one big pain in the neck, is what he initially thought. But then again, he knew the best place to buy all of these quickly and efficiently, Callie's Mall, so he went ahead with it and he needed to buy their own groceries. Moon took a shower and changed into a new set of clothes but was still carrying her school bag. Ethan stayed in his own uniform and kept his black parka. They took the family SUV and went ahead.

As they sped up the highway, it started to rain again and heard thunder from the distance. "Should we postpone this for another day?" she said.

Ethan looked towards the oncoming rain clouds and saw that there were streaks of lightning flashing. "That shouldn't be much of a problem. We can finish this before 9." Then he remembered that he wouldn't be able to cook for dinner. He thought of sending a message to Lisa or Mia but those two were out as well. "We're eating out tonight," he murmured.

By the time they got into the mall, it started to rain. It started slow and light, but soon developed into heavier raindrops. The parking lot seemed full, but fortunately they were able to find a space that was vacated only mere moments after they got there. "Damn, we don't have an umbrella." would be the reaction of a non-magic user. As they got out, they merely focused their barriers (a simple elementary magic, taught to every magic-user) and proceeded to walk, unaffected, through the rain.

PAS Meteorology Station – 1600 hours


This is the easiest security job ever. No nuances, no hassles, no difficulties. As if people would get interested in a weather station. And I'm even positioned near the offices so I don't really have to do anything, was what the lone guard thought.

As ridiculous as it sounds, the guard even thought of watching porn while on duty. With the security of the station being lax, no one noticed a thing. That the meteorologists and night shift interns they were supposed to be guarding were already dead.

"Revolting unprofessional Blank failures." thought the assailant as he watched the masturbating security guard from the darkness.

"Oh, shit, yeah babe. Come take it. Come take it." said the guard in a ridiculously disgusting voice. The assailant took aim and shot the guard. Strangely enough, it felt extremely satisfying to kill someone he had labeled as a failure of society. He wondered how the mass media will present this as news. He merely smirked at his own insanity. As well as the organization's quick decision. Impulsive… shouldn't have come here, Lady Silenus…

Callie's Mall – 1930 hours


"It's raining." said Allen.

"Of course it is. The forecast said so." said Anne. "So anyway, look at this dress. Do you think it would suit me?" she said while giggling.

"That's the hundredth dress you've shown me today, just hurry up and pick one," he said. Allen felt a sense of foreboding as if something was going to happen. The only reason why they were at the mall right after school was because Anne insisted on buying a new dress for a gala.

"You're no fun…" Anne then went further back into the store and started conversing with the staff. The Clyde family was an upstart in the high-class society. Their company mainly dealt with ability application equipment. Thanks to Clyde Tech, supers finally had a chance to go mano-a-mano with the magic-application tech that had long existed in the market. However, what Allen resented most about his family was that they mostly deal with the military. There has only been a few esper applications for practical use so it was unavoidable but that was what Allen hated the most.

"Anne, I'm stepping out for a while. Be back in a few." he said while walking towards the door. He then heard a brief "Sure" come from the back of the store. It was a short walk towards the supermarket and he needed a drink from being dragged along by Anne. But then again, he wanted an excuse to not eat dinner at their place today. The foodcourt was right next to the supermarket so he noticed the mass of people happily eating their dinner. In contrast, his destination had less than expected customers.

Strangely enough, it was a very satisfying and easy adventure through the supermarket. From pillow cases to frying pans, they were able to quickly cross items off the list. The only thing left were a few days worth of groceries.

"If it's bread, you should always choose this brand since the quality is great for its price." Ethan said while shoving a few loaves of bread into the cart. "This particular brand and variation is good for blood circulation, so it's a must for early-risers." Ethan said as he took orange juice off the shelf.

"You're rather gung-ho about shopping… for a guy." Moon said while leaning on the cart.

"It couldn't be helped. Since my mother was usually away, I had to handle taking care of my sister ever since." He then checked the list and there were only two things they needed to finish. The problem however, both items were on opposite sides of the supermarket. "Which is why I developed a knack for this." I said. "Can you go to the hygiene section and grab the tissues while I go to the seafood section and get the fish?"

"Of course," she said. "Do you have a brand you'd prefer me to get, master grocer?" while smirking.

"Take the cheapest." said Ethan while he went to his own area. Going to the meat section, he suddenly felt a strange feeling of foreboding. Like something bad was going to happen.

Philippine Airspace – Silenus –1945 hours


"We're in Philippine airspace." said Russell. "Erin, wake up the mistress."

Erin simply nodded and headed to the bedrooms. The sky was restless. It didn't matter even if they had the best technology. The low-pressure area had turned into a typhoon in a matter of several minutes. They hadn't expected this. It felt unnatural.

"Now this is unexpected." said Greg. "I can feel the natural order being violated. We have company." Lightning crackled and hit their craft. If they didn't have the field generator, they would have started crash landing already.

Glancing out of the windows Russell could see faint figures of flying objects appearing faintly after every flash of light. They couldn't make out what exactly were the figures but they do know that they were under attack. "Take care of things here for now. I'm going to get something at the back." said Greg. As he was walking towards the back, the plane suddenly started descending and Greg fell on his back. "Ugh… what now?!" he exclaimed. Russell then rushed to the cockpit to find the pilot nowhere to be seen.

"Dammit. Where the hell did our pilot go?!" he shouted. He then proceeded to turn on the autopilot but the mechanism failed to comply. "WARNING.AUTOPILOT ERROR.PRESSURE UNSTABLE.CRITICAL DESCENT.MANUAL PILOT REQUIRED." Russell cringed at the thought. He would have to pilot the plane with minimal training. "No choice then, I guess." He took the handle and pulled as hard as he could. "Come on… go up… go up…" After mere seconds he was successful in stopping the descent. He switched the autopilot on again but a message repeated itself. "WARNING.AUTOPILOT ERROR.PRESSURE UNSTABLE.DEPRESSURIZATION IMMINENT."What?! But I already--- There's a breach at the storage!

The relics were artifacts from the forgotten past of ancient magic. He didn't know what they all could do. However, there were a few that he knew from legend and one of those is what he needs. "I need that relic for what I'm planning", thought Gregory. Walking down the hall he suddenly felt a surge of air pass through. He knew what that meant, someone breached the plane. The field generator stopped projectiles, explosions, and bursts of energy but the alarms would have blared if any unwanted passengers tried to get in. The only possibility was that they were able to find a weakpoint in the detection system or it was someone from the inside. He worried about Erin and Laura. All of them might be in for a rough landing. "Not gonna let myself lose anyone or anything tonight."