The Day Before

10:13 A.M. August 16th, Sunday

Erin saw a broken mirror on the ground. She reluctantly decided to pick it up and see her reflection. What do you know, she saw herself, except something was off about her. Erin saw herself but with messier and longer hair, dark circles around her eyes, and tears strolling down her face as a feeling of giult came upon her. She was beginning to get frustrated,then Erin woke up.

As she began to slowly regain consciousness,she realized,tomorrow was going to be her first day of going to a public school. If it was anything like the High school movies she's watched, then she knew exactly what to expect. She  expects parties,having summer romances, and she had dreamed of. Erin knew before she continues to fantasize about it, she knew she should get out of bed and greet everyone.

Erin then sits up and looks to the other side of the room in hopes that her foster sister Cam would be there so she could share her excitement with her. As expected, Cam wasn't in her bed. Erin eventually shrugged it off and hopped out of bed and walked downstairs to the homes dining room.

As soon as Erin made it downstairs in the dining room,she was greeted by a plate of breakfast, just for her. So, Erin sat down and began to eat the plate she presumed was made for her.

"I knew you'd be comin down any minute Rin." Erin's foster mother Melanie said as she walked out of the kitchen, still in her pajamas, with a cup coffee being help with both of her hands.

She then walked over and placed a hand on Erin's shoulder and glanced down at her. "Tomorrow is the big day for you young lady, aint you excited?"

Erin nodded as she continued to shove the breakfast in her mouth. Melanie chuckled at her response as began to walk to the living room. Before she was out of the picture entirely, something came to her mind."Oh I remeber! Cam wanted you to meet her in the backyard if I remeber correctly." She thought for a moment before she shrugged and walked into the living room.She obviously forgot what Cameron had said previously, but Erin didn't really mind nor pay attention to notice.

As soon as Erin finished her meal,she hopped out of her chair,then decided, it was the best to look for Cameron. She decide to peek on the patio in the backyard. To Erin's her luck, she was there.

Cameron sat on plastic chair slouched, with a lit cigarette in her mouth. She had a gloomy expression on her face, almost as if she had been sitting there crying for hours. Erin decided to slowly approch her, then she tapped Cam on the shoulder gently. She practically jumped up and looked around, then noticed Erin standing there, with a grin on her face.

"Shit! I thought you were Mama Lia!" Cameron sighed from relief as she slowly began to sit back down in the chair. Erin sat in the chair next to her sister, then began to sway her legs back and forth.

"I can't wait for tomorrow,this excitment makes me feel like I am being reborn." Erin said with a grin on her face as she looked at Cam.

"I Could, I could wait a few fucking years before I go back."

"Oh come on, I know you're excited to graduate after this year. You're going to be old, and you can do whatever you want! I would give anything to be in your place!"

Cameron shook her head then looked Erin in the eyes.

"You know, you're a good girl. You're going to actually be someone. You have a chance not to be a fuck up like me."

Cam begin to reminisce on her younger self.

"What was it you said? 'I would give up anythig to be in your place', yeah. I would kill to have another chance of bettering myself." Cam then threw away her cigarette on the patio.

"Cam, I promise you can still make it. I can help!" Erin sat up.

"Its not that e-" she stopped herself, the sighed again. She didnt want to crush Erin's high spirits.

"Thanks, Erin. I-Ill keep that in mind..."

Cameron then felt her phone buzz, and heard her ringtone jingle. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at it. She let out an annoyed groan.

"It's Soo. I got to take this call unfortunately."

Cameron walked back inside with her phone up to her ear. You could hear her yelling on the phone. Then yelling from their moms in response.

Erin giggled a bit before heading inside herself. As she was passing by the living room to go upstairs, she saw both of her foster mom's cuddled on the couch while a few of her other siblings play a game on the TV.

Erin hurriedly walked up the stairs. She saw the time. "2:45 in the afternoon." Erin quietly whispered to herself. As she continued to make her way to her shared bedroom, she heard Cam. She was still on the phone. Erin decided to be nosey, and listen in on the conversation.

"You know I can't just stop?...yes I know you, I can do this myself...UGH FINE BYE!" Then there was a moment of silence shortly followed with the sound of Cameron storming out of the bedroom. She had changed out of her pajamas into a pair of jean shorts and a crop top with a varsity jacket over it. As she was passing by, Cam didnt seem to notice Erin.

Erin shrugged off the whole ordeal and walked back into their bedroom. She looked through the room to find her school uniform. She decided that it would be best if she got her outfit ready for tomorrow.

After a few minutes of rummaging through her clothes she found it.

Erins school uniform considited of a white button up shirt with a collar, a black plaid skirt, and a beige sweater vest with a few buttons on it, as was required from the school. She spent the rest of the day iorning her clothes, and organizing her backpack which was full of school materials from the list. Erin believed she needed to be as ready as she could be for such an important day like this.

By the time she was done with all her school preparations it was about 6:00 PM. Erin was exhausted, but she was officially ready for the first day of the rest of her life.

Her new life she thought would accept her with open arms.