The 30th

Since that night, Erin hadn't been getting much sleep. She keeps tossing, turning, and being awoken by nightmares. Erin was too afraid to tell anyone about the events, in fear it would burden them. Also, afraid of them getting hurt in the process. Those two girls have made her life a living hell. It's been a good week since then, and it would seem as if they acted like that never happened, that was of course until one day, in the hallway she had been approached by Crystal.

8:52 AM October 30th, Thursday

Erin was on her way, rushing to her next class trying to avoid Crystal and Adelaide. Then, suddenly, Erin felt a firm grasp pull her back. She turned her head to find it was Crystal. Erin was frozen by fear. Was she going to beat her up more? She didn't know what to do.

"W-what?" Erin said in an weary tone. That little word was all she could get out.

"Listen to me, I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. I held back that night, 'cuz I knew you wouldn't be able to take it." Crystal said before releasing the grip onto Erin. "I'm having a big ass house party tomorrow, that you're gonna go to. Got it?"

"B-b-but what If I don't want to go?" Erin stuttered as she clenched her books tightly.

"You'd better watch your back if that's the case." Crystal then groaned. "I really don't want you to come, but Sam suggested we'd be easy on you. So, we can be friends till you decide to fuck with us again. Got it?"

Erin didn't know how to respond. She wanted to reject and run away. She knew if she accepted, she would be welcoming one of the most toxic people into her life. Though, she continued to think, if she rejects the offer, she won't be able to recover from it. Her stomach turned, as she felt like she was about to get a panic attack.

She had made her decision. Erin then nodded. "Okay, I-i'll go to your party."

"Great! I'll be seeing you around Erin!" Crystal grinned before she began to rush to her class. It like an oddly genuine smile.

Erin regretted her decision, greatly. She didn't know what to do, but she had sacrificed herself to keep her close ones safe. All she knew was that, they were her 'friends' now. At least she was able to get through the rest of the school per usual.

3:31 PM

The norm for Erin everyday became that she would walk home by herself. Cameron would always be gone way before Erin due to her not having a full schedule. It was lonely, but Erin enjoyed it between the fearsome halls of school, and the chaotic nature of her home. She was approaching the crosswalk until she heard blaring music. She looked behind her, and noticed it was Sammy's car. All three of the girls were in the car heading towards Erin.

The car then slowly pulled up to Erin, then the windows rolled down.

"Hey Erin, long time no see!" Sammy then smiled. Something about that smile never failed to put ease into Erin's heart. She felt warmth in her heart at her words.

"Yeah, it has been a while hadn't it?" Erin smiled.

"I can give you a ride home if you want? We were headed that way oddly enough."

"I would love that." Erin then slowly went inside of the car, and was greeted by the strong scent of weed. Though, she was strangely used to it by this point. Once she got inside of the car, the other two girls gave her a warm welcome. Which, frightened her. She didn't want to make it visible though.

"Were going to head over to Sammy's house to chill and maybe do some homework. Wanna hang with us?" Adelaide said while directing her attention to Erin.

"M-Maybe for a little bit? I need to get home though before it gets too late."

"If you say sooo!" Crystal responds in a cheerful tone.

Sammy then continues to drive over to her own house. Once they arrive to her house, they all proceed per usual, except for Erin. She looked up and noticed the large house. It looked like some type of mansion. Erin was excited, yet intimidated. She looks around before following behind the females.

They enter the house, head up to the second floor, and go to what is presumed to be Sammy's room. The door had a pink and furry name-tag with her name on it. Sammy put her hand on the door handle and turned around to look back to Erin before opening her door.

Erin was, amazed to say the least. Sammy had a considerably larger room then she did. It was also very, feminine. With her big window there was sparkly pink curtains, a large pink flower rug, a king sized bed with a pale pink fuzzy blanket, etc. It was a young girls dream room! Not to mention all the stuff that was inside of the room, such as Barbies and other types of dolls.

Sammy's room aside, Crystal and Adelaide sat on the bed and pulled out their phones. Sammy took the time to talk to Erin.

"It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" Sammy said as she placed a hand on Erin's shoulder.

"Yeah, but, it's really cute. I love it, it's like a wonderland." Erin beamed.

"I'm glad you like it so know, I am kind of nervous I have to admit."


"Well, you see, my mom is coming to visit me from Australia tomorrow." Sammy drooped her head.

Erin looked up, with a concerned face, letting Sammy continue.

"She hadn't seen me since my 13th birthday. I hadn't had my transition yet. I am frightened that she won't accept me for who I am. I- I mean what to I do with my hair? My clothes? What If I have to pretend I am male again? What If I J-" Sammy began to tear up. She was overwhelmed with the idea of her mom not accepting her. But then, Erin decided to hug her.

"If your mom was okay of you then, she will be okay with you now." Erin said as she looked up to Sammy with a warm smile. Sammy smiled and hugged back. She nodded and wiped her tears away.

"Yeah, I tend to overthink when my mother is involved, sorry about that." They both released their arms from each other then walk over to join the other two on Sammy's bed. Crystal and Adelaide were talking about what seemed to be gossip until they joined. Then Crystal sat up and looked at them. She didn't have the per usual smug look, she actually looked, worried. The one person to say something about it was Erin.

"What's wrong Crystal?" Erin asked as she scooted closer. She figured, if Crystal were to make an attempt to 'get closer' to Erin, she figured it should be the same way vice versa. Though, she was weary about it.

"You asked so I might as well tell you, huh? Well, it just so happens that my medical results came in. You know what that means?!" Crystal began to get visibly upset.

"What d-" Erin got interrupted.

"It means that I have some weird ass fucking thing I need to get removed." She then covered her face and practically let gravity make her fall onto the bed. She groaned. "My dumbass mom carried it over to me, and it's only NOW showing up."

As she continued to talk Erin became, baffled. She didn't expect Crystal to just, spill her problems. None the less to Erin of all people. That didn't stop Erin from showing compassion though. Once Crystal was done sharing, Erin patted her on the back and tried to reassure her. Thing's turned out better then Erin could've ever imagined, when being involved with the trio. For the rest of the time over at Sammy's house, they did whatever you'd expect teen girls to talk about. Things such as boys, gossip, and Crystal's party.

6:12 PM

Erin had just gotten dropped off in front of her house. She was surprised at how much fun she actually had, it would seem to her that things are turning around for the better. All that aside, Erin walked inside and was greeted by her two youngest 'siblings' chasing each other with fake weapons. Erin took the opportunity once they passed to shut the door behind her, and run upstairs to her shared bedroom. When she walks in she see's Cameron sitting on her bed with the guy from before. Once they notice her, Cameron waves to her. Erin then waves back and sits on her bed.

"Aye, Erin, I never introduced you to my friend here, but this is Wan-Soo! He went to school with me." Cam points to the man.

"Actually, I was a Senior when your sister was a fres-" Cam then punches his shoulder and laughs nervously.

"Don't worry about him. Sooo, do you have something special planned for tomorrow Erin?" Cam then got up and sat right next to Erin.

"Oh, well, I got invited to go to Crystal's Halloween party." Erin nervously mumbled. Cam then scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm surprised, she only invites girls who have the mental capacity of a children. Look, it's probably going to be a bunch of cunts from school. It won't be worth it. You shouldn't go." Cam then placed a hand on Erin's shoulder. "It's for the best anyways."

"Why not?" Erin looked over to Cam.

"Why? First to start is that it's Crystal's party. Which is a bad start." She then pulls out her fingers and begins to list off reasons. "Then! There is definitely going to be drugs and shay people involved. Knowing her, its going to be like some sort of trap house for teens."

"So what?"

"So what? Erin, you're a Freshman. They probably will take advantage of you."

I can take care of myself."

"No, you can't Erin. Seriously. Don't do this."

Erin then stands up and distances herself from Cameron. "Why aren't you ever on my side? Whenever I need you, you're never there for me!"

That comment really dug deep into Cam. She had to take a second before responding. "Oh yeah?" She then stands up and balls her fists. "Not there for you? Are you fucking kidding right now? Do you understand how many hours I've spent on the corner working, sweating, hell even bleeding for you? Erin, I am a fucking prostitute! I give sex to men who want nothing to do with me, for money. You know where that money has been going? For your college funds. Yep, wake up because that's the fucking reality. So don't EVER say that I've never done shit for you. Got it?" She began to tear up a bit, but not fading away from an angered expression. "Fine, go to fucking party." She then turned over to Wan-Soo. "I'm staying the night at your place tonight, lets go." He then nodded and stood up to stretch. Cam stormed out of the room, not before grabbing a few clothing items of course.

Erin stormed over to her bed and pouted. Wan-Soo then walked over to Erin slowly, then kneeled down.

"I'm sorry about what she said. She just, has a lot on her plate you know? She really cares about you, please know that." He then pulls out a business card and then hands it to Erin. "I'm a director that's currently working downtown. Though, if you ever need me for something, don't be afraid to ring me up." He pushes up his glasses then smiles. "I got your back, just like Cam does." He pats her on the back before leaving far behind Cameron.

This was a lot for Erin to think about. Erin had no idea that she was doing all this, just for her. Erin then laid on her bed and looked at the celling.

"Shoot, I really messed up. Didn't I?" Erin said out loud. She sat there for a few minuets before deciding to get ready for bed. She couldn't let something like that ruin her mood. She's got a party to go!