A Little Test

Carson tried to snap himself out of his crazy thoughts. Ivy couldn't possibly be a telepath because telepathy didn't exist.

There had to be some other explanation for hearing sounds without your ears. Like some damage occurring to that particular part of the brain. But it didn't seem likely since Shaelie had mentioned earlier in her conversation with their mother that the rest of the patient's brain was perfectly intact.

Say he threw all rationality out the window and pretended telepathy did exist for a moment. That meant that every time he was near Ivy—possibly even times he wasn't—she would be able to hear his thoughts.

He had been such a spaz around her at first despite outwardly keeping his cool. Why on earth would she bother continuing the association knowing what he was thinking?!

Oh. An unpleasant thought hit him like a ton of bricks. Ivy didn't really have friends or hang out with anyone at school…except him. Unarguably one of the most studious people in their grade.