Good For Her

Bracing herself for the worst, Ivy called her mom back. "I'm sorry! I fell asleep at my friend's house because my head hurt. I'm on my way home now."

The nap took the edge off so she should be able to drive herself now. She needed to get out of Carson's hair; she had already taken up his entire day by being a burden like usual. She should really eat something too.

Kendra sighed. It was filled with weariness rather than anger. "You got another migraine?"

"Yeah. I'm really okay now though. I'll see you soon, alright?"

"Alright. Dinner is already on the table but I'll heat it up for you again. Love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

Ivy ended the call and sighed, running a hand through her still-gel-covered hair. Gross. She could add a shower to the list of things she desperately needed. Today had been a rollercoaster.

She looked up at Carson sheepishly. "Sorry for imposing on you so long. I'll head out now. And thanks for everything today."