Chapter 90: The Significance of Personnel Exchange

The next day.

Returning to the hotel yesterday, I entered the hotspring and took a rest.

Entering the japanese-styled hotspring that Shadow talked about, little by little, I feel that my body is getting lighter.

It was a mix between Chinese and Japanese though...

There's a paper umbrellas and a Kaminarimon... The paper sliding doors and various other things are chinese-styled, it feels like a Japanese bath made by a foreigner.

Tsl note:,XG18l6a with,XG18l6a#1 

I have no complaints though, I'm just interested in what kind of country the East is. Regardless of if they are Good or bad.

Naofumi:"Then, I'm off."

Raphtalia:"Take care."

Naofumi:"I think it was Ren today...I hope it's not a repeat of Motoyasu, be careful though."

I cannot deny the possibility of him being a pervert.

There are cases where those who act cool will turn around and chase after girls.

They will not help guys, and only help women.

I mean, I don't really know anything about that guy.

At least...When he hurt someone else he obediently listened to the story.

To me, Ren just seems like a cool juvenile boy who is a self-proclaimed ally of justice.


Firo:"Have a nice day~"

On the way to the room of Ren's companions.

Naofumi:"...This is unproductive."

I voice my disatisfaction about the staff exchange to Shadow.

I understand the queen's idea, but the stress doesn't go away.

Shadow:"I see degozaruna. Why the queen suggested the staff exchange degozaruka. There have been no problems until now, I thought this would be fine too degozaruka."

Naofumi:"You...still don't understand even after following the queen for so long. Well, after thinking about it, there are some things that I do agree with."

Shadow:"What are they degozaru?"

Naofumi:"Do you guys make back-ups for the information collected?"

Shadow:"It seems you already understand degozaruna."

Naofumi:"Because it's that queen, it would be possible to think about with a little consideration."

There is a limit to objective observations.

Naofumi:" You can certainly try to explain the behaviours of the other heroes. But you cannot explain it to someone like Raphtalia."

It is difficult to distinguish the real information from all the miscellaneous information.

Naofumi:"Let's assume you collected information on the heroes. However, you guys are forgetting something important. How are you supposed to understand the secret to a hero's strength?"

Where are you supposed to find weapons that can absorb any materials!?

I mean, in the middle of that how do you understand the difference from me?

There are multiple shadows, and the same one might not be watching.

The result, is different information collected becomes messy.

If it is reported by letter, the contents of the investigation on the objective would not be conveyed properly without voice.

It's something that cannot be understood by someone who doesn't hold the hero's weapon.

It won't work unless asked directly from, in this information exchange. It also serves as a backup for that purpose.

Considering their habit to hide themselves, it is also likely that lies would be told.

There's no choice, It's my special thing! And then hide it.

Of course, they will not talk easily, so there is no choice but to examine ourselves.

Shadow:"It can't be helped degozaru. This is exclusively for Hero of the Shield-dono, it also hasn't been long since I have worked with Hero of the Shield-dono degozayue."

Naofumi:"Ah, can't be helped. If this could be finished in a day, it wouldn't be so difficult."

Besides...This is also important, The hero's companions will be easily dyed with their standard of values.

In fact, Raphtalia objects against Motoyasu's policies. I think Motoyasu's companions also feel the same about me.

However, if a personnel exchange is done, then our prospectives should broaden a little.

It also serves a chance for the ones who are used to the princess treatment to experience battles with the other heroes.

Bitch is not worth explaining, Woman 1 kept calm,and she was able to broaden her view, and Woman 2 just looks at me like an abnormal person.

However, when fighting with Ren and Itsuki, they should more or less understand.

It seems that fighting alongside Bitch... If you don't understand her then you'll risk death.

I'll just complain up till here.

Naofumi:"It would have been better if I could just watch the other heroes and their companions during a crisis."

Shadow:"A crisis degozaruka? Being with a Hero-dono, means always being side-by-side with danger degozaruka."

Naofumi:"It's the opposite. The whole world knows heroes are good. In short, do not approach enemies stronger than yourself."

Shadow:"I see...There are such thoughts too degozaruka."

Usually, their levels are steadily rising, and the sense of crisis is always insufficient.

It feels like a game to the heroes. Only fighting enemies that you can beat, any sense of urgency disappears.

The companions might even be under the illusion that they are part of the privileged class themselves.

As long as they claim that they are a hero's companion, they will receive preferential treatment.

Of course, being with a hero is not perfect, there will be at least a few times where it is truly dangerous.

Even if those fellows survive from luck, they would still be relieved along with the hero.

Because all three heroes are confident in themselves.

In the first place, those in Motoyasu's party that had a sense of impending crisis started falling out.

Naofumi:"Afterwards, it might be difficult for hero companions to understand since they watch the heroes everyday. They would only notice a small difference. Besides, there are also friendships being cultivated."

Shadow:"I'll accept it degozaru. If any disturbances occur they will be stopped degozaru."

Looking at Melromarc from the world's standpoint, it should be obvious they want to get along with the heroes.

Internal discord among companions did not occur after the loss at the wave,though they are on bad terms with each other.

I don't really want to make friends, but I understand that co-operating is necessary.

If it was just us, we couldn't have beat the pope.

From now on co-operation will be important. Even after this island event is over, and we get dispatched to some foreign country, it doesn't change the fact that we will still be acting together during the waves.

However, the opportunity to talk is decreasing quickly.

I welcome it but, If I am selfish, it would be impossible to fight against the wave...and Glass.

Even though I hate those guys, since we belong to the same side there is a need to co-operate.

come to think of it...How do we participate in the waves all over the world?

Does the wave only concentrate on Melromarc's vicinity since that is where the heroes were summoned?

That's something I have to ask the queen.

Perhaps, after the personnel exchange, Shadow will report the investigation results.

Or is there no intention of that due to the habit of hiding things from the heroes?

If anything, at least this time there is a mutual understanding with the other heroes about the companions.

The heroes are introduced to skillful people.

That or, they heard something about their companions, resulting in a lack of trust...huh?

That fellow, I can not hear or see anything even when looking up. It is too early to jump to conclusions.

Well, it could simply be about recruitment.

That bastard Motoyasu solicited my companions.

The possibility of Ren and Itsuki also soliciting is not zero. It's actually rather high.

If they like it, then just raise one yourself...

Do demi-humans and demons become stronger there? Just a feeling that I have.

However, there is a big contradiction when it comes to this theory.

They are not supposed to be strong. that means, the games those fellows played did not have any demi-humans or demons that become strong... I wonder about that.

That or it was never tried.

Is this strength from improving themselves?

I don't know.

What can I say, it feels like the queen's goal is to raise all the heroes.

There seems to be some intention to treat me favourably, but it will be awkward from the world-wide standpoint if the other heroes are weak.

Was it just a compromised plan?

Rather than examining only the shadows, I should check ourselves to be certain.

If it's not one or the other...

At first glance, this personnel exchange seems useless, but it might be a decoy in order to collect information easier.

Gathering the heroes in the pretext of the island being active.

...Am I over-interpreting?

If I am over-interpreting, let's just assume that Ren and Itsuki's actions are based on this.

If nothing happens, it wouldn't be troublesome, but it would be a large loss if anything happens.

Shadow:"This is the room where the Hero of the Sword's companions are staying degozaru."

While I was deep in thought, I arrived in front of the room where Ren's companions are.


I nod and knock on the door.

No Name:"Go ahead."

This time a proper reply comes. Big difference from Motoyasu's place.

I open the door and step inside.

No Name:"Welcome Welcome. Hero of the shield-sama."

Naofumi:"Ah, Sure..."

Compared to last time, it is somewhat of a disappointment.

Umm...Ren's companions number four people.

One more than Motoyasu. However, it still decreased by one from the five in the beginning.

It is reasonable to assume that some members were replaced.

Naofumi:"Though I'm sure you already know, I'm the Hero of the Shield, Iwatanai Naofumi, we will be working together for today and tomorrow during the staff exchange."

In addition three of the people I saw on the first day, is one of them a new addition?

No Name:"My best regards, Hero of the Shield-sama."


All the members are polite.

But these fellows... all of them went to Ren instead of being my companions.

I will not forget that.

I cannot be careless and let my guard down.

No Name:"I apologize for that time."


A man who looks the he a soldier? He bows to me.

Representative:"Anyway, the king of Melromarc criticised the Hero of the Shield-sama, and spoke of how he would treat his companions."

The other guys lowered their head to match the representative.

Representative:"Though such are the circumstances, so please instruct us well in these two days."


Somehow...when the partner is strangely polite, It's a little disappointing.

The experiences up until now leads me to suspect there may be something going on behind me.

Representative:"Shall we leave immediately?"


It's still too early to say.

Since Motoyasu's party was like that. I appreciate the quickness though.

Magician:"So, where would be a good place to raise our levels?"

A magician like fellow behind me asks naturally.
