unexpected adventure 2

Up ... Down ... up ... down ...

Lilah who was playing with much energy at first stopped swinging , making a heavy sigh knowing that no matter how she wished for someone to show up_ precisely kids to pass her boredom playing with them_but looking at the sky who was shining under the hot sun she believed none would bring Thier kids to the park to pass time ,

" so boring swinging alone isn't fun arrr even that stupid Louis is lazy to accompany me " in reality if he did hear her now he'd die from laughing, sarcastically he would say " Princess not everyone is stupid as you, coming to play at this hour of the day.. do you want the kids to get sick by standing under the sun all afternoon..hahaha if not my job is guarding you I'd not leave my comfortable room to accompany you here, stupid girl " sadly he's taking a nap or Lilah wouldn't feel bored,

" I wish my life was full of adventures like in cartoons and comics hehe .. maybe I could be a pretty Princess who got magical power hehehe using my magical stick I'll bring my friends here so we could play together like before fufufu ... I even could turn that stupid Louis into a pig so he'll never dare look down on me hehehe" Lilah was so emersed in her fantasy that she moved her hands in the air trying to imitate Doremi's move playing with her magical stick , yet her expression changed from joyful to being disappointed " sigh .. I cannot be like doremi using Magic nor there's a magical world... " she yelled this time angrily " why can't my life be Anything more interesting arrrrr please God make my days more like that of a real protagonist " clapping her hands she looked towards the sky wishing from her heart for a more adventurous life. and so regaining some hope she moved the swing slowly.

The rythmique sound of the swing going up then down combined with the birds tweets which accompanied the buzzing sound of cicadas made Lilah feel so relaxed till she almost fall from the swing's sit , looking around her eyes landed on that medium sized colourful playhouse , for her playing there was just for kids, of course she's an exception well that's what she thinks , yet today was also an exception seeing how there's no one around she decided to throw her pride as an elegant Princess who is old enough to not play house games like the norms with the most young girls.

normally girls at her age would still love to play at the playhouse pretending to be a family or even play at the sandbox with other kids competing to whomever build a castle first , yet for Lilah those aren't made for her ; maybe she's too matured compared to her pairs, or just too complicated.

playing there is just to kill boredom and pass time not because I wanted to , repeating this all over her head , Lilah's feet already took her to the front of the playhouse which was bigger than what it looked like from a distance , at least she can fit the door.

With just a look anyone can tell she's from a wealthy good family her clothes made from good fabrics while her immature face tells she got the best genes from her parents, and the fact that they would never refuse to do anything she asked for, in terms they were spoiling her from the day she come to this life but soon they found out how different thier precious baby girl compared to other kids was, she talk like a mature lady even her interests are Centered on what her mom likes to do .

There was that day when her mother took her to the park next door yet she stubbornly refused to play saying it's for kids, later they changed to the Amusement park yet again she insisted that it's for teenagers not for a kid like her and so they gave up persuading her, instead mother Lina prayed many times for her little princess to act her age just once if can , therefore when Lilah show her childish self they would fly from happiness. Nonetheless this does not make them assured as till now they never come to understand Thier daughter's reasonings, despite this they believe how innocent and childish her thinking is or how can she be so cute the way she act and talk. for them as Lilah is safe nothing matter given the fact she was a gift from God to them.


" this looks fun to try !! hehe " Lilah was so excited to enter the playhouse.

Standing there she finally opened the blue plastic door to enter, surprisingly enough to her there was a little kid sleeping inside while holding onto a green teddy bear , for a second she closed the door looking right then left but found no one again she opened the door again and entered without hesitation this time.

" finally the end of my boredom life hehehe "

the inside was spacious besides the window at the right there was another door which is linked with a slide on it to the outside ,there were even some toys scattered throughout the fake house's floor. sitting beside him she poked his rosy cheeks nonstop but he still didn't awoke.

'his mom must be worried about him yet he's sleeping soundly here ' Lilah looked at the window and sighed the weather today could make even an energetic dog to laze instead of playing , luckily she's not used to sleep in the afternoon so waking the boy is better than leaving him here alone while his mom could faint by fear of losing her child , making this her mission for the moment Lilah stopped being nice and tried to take the teddy bear around his arms with force this time the kid opened his puffy eyes.

he must have been crying till he fall asleep hmm maybe he got lost , pondering over the situation this little lad might be in, she stood up lifting him up from the floor noticing how weightless he is.

they must starved him ... poor little boy , as always she run wild with her imagination.

" come with me this place is not comfortable to sit in " pulling him over to slide out , in a moment they went outside. not understanding what's going on the boy hugged his teddy bear more tightly while looking at Lilah who tried to hold his hand yet he kept slipping it away,

Lilah couldn't be patient anymore so she inhaled deeply before spitting those words trying her best to not scare him " dear, I'm not gonna harm you I just wants to help you find your mama she must be looking for you now " looking at his doubtful eyes Lilah smiled confidently, " believe in me this big sister here will reunite you with your mama , let's go now to the Reception she must be near there looking for you ... oh wait for me here I'm going to tell Louis that I'll go there first , okay!! " and so she run to where Louis was napping informing him before going to the receptionist office.

Louis nodded his head without thinking twice , while Lilah dashed happily not waiting for him to say anything she was never someone to wait for his permission therefore his nap come to an end the moment he realised what he agreed to in other words he agreed for putting himself in more trouble but Lilah was nowhere near him to stop.