chapter 2 dungeon guardian

the 10 of them is dungeon guardian, also 10 general who lead alysha army when fighting again human army.

dryad queen feline

the dark alchemist bruce

dark elf king rustam

ice queen liliane

werewolf ancestor wallace

vampire ancestor william

succubus queen felice

lich king ark

arachne the spider queen lucia

and the strongest guardian dragon of destruction draco

the guardian is a legendary creature which can be called when the amount of dungeon floor is hitting 100, and every 100 floor dungeon master can get 1 guardian and when the dungeon floor reach 1 000 floor dungeon master can get 1 divine creature like draco.

the guardian not only strong but they also have an ability to create army, they also immortal so even if they are dead sasha can call them back, only if sasha die they will be truly die.

sasha look at them and surprise, because they look like a 4 to 5 years old kid, even draco look like a newly hatch dragon, sasha then said "what happen to you? why you look like this?".

they look each other, william the vampire said "this is because of the level of power you have far lower than your previous life so we reseted back to our weakest form but with the increase of your strength we will eventually get back to our mature form".

He then look at the werewolf wallace and said "don't worry your majesty, even in this form we can solve your enemy outside easily, but maybe our little puppy will have a problem because of his stupid and brute personality"

Wallace look at him fiercely and said "you can shut your mouth now blood sucker bastard before i rip your mouth apart"

"as you can see your majesty, his existences will only stain your reputation your majesty" said william smugly.

"enough william stop teasing wallace, and wallace control your emotion don't be provoke easily by william, as you know the enemy may break our defence anytime now, the later you move more people will die, all of you have to move now and quickly solve" said sasha seriously.

"i will your majesty" said all of them simultaneously.

"oh by the way leave 1 drop of your blood behind" said sasha

All of them bit their hand give their blood to sasha, the blood fly closely to sasha before it disappear absorb by the dungeon core.

This blood will be use to create sasha body, their blood will be use to create a new bloodline, which will let sasha have all of her guardian innate ability.

A red energy enveloped sasha like an egg, her body slowly destroyed and recreate into new body, while she is being reborn a new dungeon is being created, the capital city and 100 km outside capital city become area of the dungeon.

Even though she is in the process of being reborn but her mind keep controlling the dungeon creation process.


In the city wall roger still use all he got to fight enemy and defended the city wall, but his soldier is one by one fall and the number of enemy overwhelming their number largely, if it's not because of capital city design to make it easily to defend and harder to attack maybe they will be defeated quickly by the enemy.

The capital city locate on top of the hill which close to the lake, the capital is shaped like a u, which foothill is being dig up by the workers and make it like the kingdom surrounded by a cliff and leaving only the center side for the enemy to attack, the workers even dig up farther and let the lake water surrounded the capital, so the enemy can't attack another side of city except for center front where the city gate located.

But to attack the gate, not only the enemy have climb up the hill they will be fired by the archer on the right and left side of city wall.

Unfortunately the enemy their facing now is not an ordinary kingdom soldier but evil cultivator and it's follower who have a high cultivation level, the arrow from archer didn't have much effect on them, so roger and his soldier is forced to fight them on the city wall with sword.

For now roger still can manage it, but with the drop of the number of his troop and when the enemy leader start to move roger lose all hope.

Maybe this is the end he then call his subordinate to run away with the princess and prince but when he want to speak an eartquake happened and stop him to speak, he look at his surroundings and think "what the hell is happened here, not only the evil cultivator even the heaven wan't to bury us here?".


On the other side of the enemy, julian look at the enemy who struggle to survive, he smile, he enjoyed it when the enemy struggled and he love it when he saw the enemy face when his enemy lose all their hope, they all will be sacrifice for him to get even more powerful to walk further in his cultivation.

But even if he enjoys it he didn't want to spend more time cause he worried the righteous sect will come and helped the kingdom, he didn't want to fight those annoying hypocrite who say they are fight for justice while doing dirty move on the dark.

He start to move to indulge himself in killing, and use the to increase his strength he already imagined himself breakthrough to 1 or 2 level when all of this over.

But when he only walk a few step an eartquake happened and brought him out of his imagination.


An eartquake shake the whole kingdom, the kingdom resident is panic don't know what will happened to the them.

An eart rising from the ground, form a wall and keep rising until cover the city and 100km outside the city like a dome, the darkness envelope them all and let them all anxious, suddenly a light suddenly appear above them from the center of the dome like a sun, but the light it's not as hot as the sun, it's a warm and soft light like a fullmoon light but far more brighter.

Roger finally see ten figure stood in front of him and the dead enemy under their feet, their aura is strong the weakest of them is in the 6 level of the qi gathering stage, while the strongest of them in the middle stage of qi releasing stage.