Chapter 7 audience

Sasha want to answer his call but she remember she's her appearance is already change so she controls her clone to answer him "come in alex".

Alex run to sasha to hug her, sasha command her clone to hug alex, but alex avoided her clone and run straight to her and hug her.

Sasha look at him weirdly, but alex look as if he didn't feel it he said "sister are you alright?, the servant said youve been fainted".

Sasha shocked and said "you... You recognised me?".

"what do you mean sister? How can i didn't recognise you, you are my sister" said alex puzzled.

His innocent face confused sasha, because sasha know, when her body is being recreated her appearance and her disposition is significantly change, but her brother can recognised her easily.

"i mean my appearance is different how can you recognise me easily, isn't she look more like your sister? " said sasha carefully.

"sister is sister even though you look so different now but i can still feel it is you, but sister you look so beautiful, and why is there's two of you, even though it's look so much like sister but i didn't feel the same" said alex innocently.

'Maybe blood connection?' thought sasha.

She look at alex and said "you can't tell to the other that i am your sister ok? Cause it will bring me some trouble, this is sister clones, from now on you have to call it sisters".

"but what about you sister? How did i call your from now on?" said alex.

"call me sister alysha, i will act as your sister friend ok?" said sasha.

"ok i understand, sister alysha" said alex.

Sasha always feel amazed how smart alex is, he can understand whatever sasha or her father told him, he didn't ask too much like any other kids.

"good" said sasha while she pat his head, sasha then let her clone to carry alex to the castle hall where kingdom official waiting for her.

When they see sasha clones walk to the hall they all bow down and give their greeting at the same time.

Sasha clone then walk to the thrones and let alex sit there while she sit at the queen's seat while her true body sit in the princess seat below king and queen seat, beside alex and tell them to raise their head.

When the ministers and the other officers look at sasha they all froze in place, they all astonished by sasha beauty, they never seen any other women as beautiful as her, maybe only fairy in legend which can be compared to her beauty.

The hall is silent, the minister even forget to take breath, and forgot about sasha clone and alex who sit on the throne, they only look at sasha stupidly.

This can't blame them, not only sasha have a breathtakingly beautiful face, and nice body, but her body and her aura is exudes a charm which can attract not only opposite gender even the same gender can be charm by her.

Natural charm is in her blood, which contain succubus, dryad, and vampire which can charm human, the three blood combine is strengthening the charms to be far more powerful than the three blood it came from, even though sasha didn't use her charm innate talent, her existence alone can charms anyone who see her.

Sasha clone coughing loudly to take their focus back to her, the minister finally realised what they do and blushed a little when they realised what they do in front of the prince and princess.

One of the minister tak a step forward and said "your highness who might this lady is?"

Sasha clone answer his question in relaxed manners "she is the master of the 10 people who help us to defeat the enemy before".

The minister is taken aback, the 10 people before have a very strong power in a very young age, but they only the subordinate of this woman

But sasha clone next word make them change from shocked to fear "and she is the queen of demon who want to make a cooperation with us".

"demon qu... queen?" they look at her puzzled, what they know the demon in this world is have very ugly appearance and cruel creatures who will kill anyone they seen, how can they queen be someone who is look so beautiful.

Sasha melodious voice suddenly can be heard from the royal seat "demon have different species you know, the demon who you've fight in this world have nothing to do with me, they have their own king and queen, so don't put us on the same category with them".

"so, you didn't need a human sacrifice?" said the other minister.

"this is part of our cooperation with them, they will help us to develope our country in exchange we will provide a blood for them" said sasha clone.

"how much blood we needed your highness?" said the ministers worriedly, because if they take too much blood from people they will die too.

"Only 300 ml every 10 week" said sasha lightly.

The minister take a sigh of relieve, his is not hard for them at all.

"now i will cut this talk here and we move to another thing to discuss, now i will ask you how many people leave and how many have shirk their responsibility when the kingdom in danger" said sasha clone strongly.

The hall become become tense, many ministers and kingdom officials become quit, their face become serious.