There they were, in THE REVINUS , all of the so called entities , the ones beyond humans , THE GODS , chattering over their voices , laughing , gulping the drinks n nectars , eating their bellies off , n above all waiting. They were waiting for the usual daily meeting to commence .

As soon as the doors separated , there was silence , all of them tied their toes , moved no more than an inch , held their drink in their throats . FEAR is what blew in the wind when he arrived .

The One the whole REVINUS feared and respected , the one who controlled the world , the one.

PRIMUS . LORD PRIMUS , they called him .

Nothin but wind's howl could be heard in the hall . All of them were in awe as the mighty PRIMUS walked , though they have this sight all days in a moonlife . Shimmering with golden yellow dress sleeved upto wrist , quite muscular , long white hair touching his shoulders . The sun wouldn't dare stare at the marvel of PRIMUS.

Somewhere there was a talk that , when PRIMUS was angry his eyes would turn white , like the milk of great VILIAN cow . His anger shook the ground , dried the seas , flooded the deserts .

He walked upto the throne , lifted his left hand slightly into the air . Then , everybody sat down on their chairs in a blink . And the lord took his seat .

Then , in walked his sweet little sister RIZA , only a 120 sprins younger than her brother . She was considered Most gorgeous lady on the realm , she was loved by some . N feared by even more ....

It were to say that she could fiddle with anyone's head , make them see things , instigate fear , control their acts . But , yes she never really used the spells , it was just a belief .

Usual meeting commenced , but, an unusual unpleasant topic was to be a matter of discussion. The Lord's marriage . An elderly god , TARUS stood up , shiveringly he spoke , "my lord , forgive me if I seem a fool but, centuries have passed n more are to pass, the world craves for your strength to be shared n carried on , the world needs young blood of yours to wield the power to carry on , we are not getting any younger ,1400 sprins have passed . And u get more powerful than ever . But , the more powerful u get , the more your mind n body gives away . Please my lord we need u , n u need a young blood , today..... THE HALL calls for your marriage , thank you my lord ". Nods n sound of agreement passed around .

Soon, RIZA stood up n told "My brother does not listen to your pitiful.." . " SILENCE" screamed PRIMUS , like hell was unleased , there was silence again , RIZA was quiet .

" I know the concerns , i realise my body has taken a toll for far too long , find a suitable bride , I'll wed at once " said the lord .

Everyone were shocked and happy , silence dimmed . Gods smiling again , happy again , they shouted " TO LORD PRIMUS " .

Everyone were happy , but very little of them noticed a sly wrink of anger n hatred in RIZA's eyes . None knew Wat was to come . THE WRATH.

—Pitied were the souls forgiven , the rest lived the death's agony . For, there isn't a happier way to live than to rue your crimes . —