My rotten luck

My last confessions may not be valuable for many people but I have to tell the story of me from my point of view.

- "starting from the day I gained consciousnesses.

I am Shashi rath the third child of Mr Akash rath and Ms Nandini rath."

My childhood was not like everyone else's childhood because I was a troubled child.

Trouble kind of always finds it's way back to me.

I was smallest child of my mother and father so obviously most loved and cared.

But after a while everything changed I became older and one more little brother was added to our family.

Everyone's attention changed from me to him.

I didn't enjoy that but he was my little bug .I loved him the most .

Everything was fine untill that day came and changed the course of my life.

Let me take you to that day -" I was gonna go to the school but I was not feeling well so I told mom I'm gonna stay in home today but mom thought I was making up an excuse to not to go the school so she refused my request and forced me to go to the school.

so I walked to the school.

when I was walking to the school a big bully boy named sanjay who is from our school was followed me and stopped me and threatened if I don't give him my lunch he will throw my books into the nearby pond but I refused so he forcefully took my lunch and my bag and threw it into the road and started to beating me up .

If couldn't help but defend myself and pushed him so he backed away few steps that time a van was passing by and somehow it lost control and ran over sanjay's leg and Sanjay's leg got tore of in that accident.

After all the incident happened some people came running over to us and attacked the driver but the driver said the angry mob that I was the one who pushed the boy Infront of his van.

The mob didn't believe a little girl could do these kind thing so they took me and the driver to the police station and took Sanjay to the hospital.

When we reach the police station my father mother was also there I ran to my mother father.

After the angry mob reported everything to the police the police interrogated the driver but the driver stood by his word .

Then the police found the CCTV footage which record the visuals of all the things happened in that time .

And due to the recording only contained visuals the police saw that I pushed Sanjay Infront of the car.

And took me into their custody.

I cried and cried and told them that I didn't do anything . I also said that he first bullied me and beaten me but nobody cared.

They took me from my mom and took me to the juvenile home.