Waiting for the right time

We came back to our room .

my friends and allies asked me - " what's the plan. how are you going to dethrone the so called queen"

I said - " I'm not going to do anything now. let her enjoy her throne for few days. then we will strike back don't worry. trust me and wait for the right time.

And I warned Urmi,Sana,Kalandi,Rama and Sakhi to be careful because they choose my side.

Susan will indirectly target them because she likes to torture people

They assured me that they will take care of themselves and they got back to their room.

After they left only Sara ,Kanan and I was left in the room.

Susan came to our room to pick up her belongings because she was shifting to her new room because she told the guard aunty that we are behaving badly with her.

So guard aunty gave her the permission to shift rooms .

our room was silent.

I asked her -" we were friends. why did you do this to me?"

she came to me said -" you're weak. you don't know how to keep the power in your hands .so I took the burden of your head. I was just helping you".

I didn't answer her . I just kept looking and her and I couldn't understand how did I noticed the evilness in her.

She took all her stuff and left .

After while guard aunty came and asked me what was going on between me and my friends - " I don't know what happened but tears burst out my eyes.

I told everything that happened to guard aunty.

After listening to everything guard aunty smiled and told me - " world is not that simple . you can't tell the character of a person by just looking at her face or by living with her few days . you have to test the people before letting them enter your heart.And if somebody Hurts you you will make them pay for your heartbreak. I will do anything for you as long as it's right ."

After saying this guard aunty left.

I wiped my tears away and told myself I will make her pay for everything she has done to me

At that time Sana,Sakhi,Kalandi,Rama and Urmi entered to our room and they had little little wounds all over their body.

I ran to them and asked them what happened.

they said - " after we left your room we we're going back to our room but when we reached our room all half of our stuff was burned and Susan's little minions started to beating us . we retaliated but they were too many of them so we couldn't handle them but at that time Saroj aunty (guard aunty) was passing by so she called other guards and handled us and sent us to you room to stay .

I told them they can stay here as long as they want and gave them some of my clothes to change because all their clothes were gone in that fire.

After seeing this I promised my myself I will make her pay 10 folds for these actions