They took our roll numbers and told us to sit according to it.
I couldn't understand what was happening so I asked Sakshi -" what's going on?"
Sakshi answered "-the thing I was avoiding .ragging is happening"
She then tried to explain what is going to happen.
I was totally unaware of the fact our seniors going to do something terrible with us.
My intuitions were right I should not be here, this is not good for my cover.
but there is no way to run because our seniors have locked the doors from behind so we were stuck there.
one by one they started to call us to the front.
A scrawny guy named Abhinav he was the first one to go .
our seniors told him to get undressed and wear a sari
he couldn't do it so they started teasing us very badly and one of our seniors started undressing him.
he was crying but they weren't stopping there disgusting act.
At last he fainted from the pressure and they let go of him.
Then they called out Anisha they told her to kiss a girl from seniors but she refused to do that and argued with them .
They could handle the fact that a fresher is arguing with them so one the girl senior came and slapped her in the face and told her -" you are going to be very sorry for your inconvenience" and then they threw her out of the hall.
one by one they called every one of our classmates and tortured them.
Then came Sakshi's turn to be tortured by them.
Sakshi was shivering from fear but she gathered all the courage left in her and approached to them.
They started laughing at the state of her.
One of the girl from the seniors teased her -"trouble in paradise"and they all starting laughing again.
Sakshi was the prettiest in our classmates so I knew they are going to make her do something terrible
I was boiling in anger but I couldn't break my promise to my mother so I was trying to stay calm and composed but the disgusting seniors are making that very hard for me.
But the worst was yet to come they ordered Sakshi to kiss any of the boys she like from the seniors but Sakhi refused to do that she told them that she already have a boyfriend so she can't do it but the bastards didn't stop there they tried to force her.
I couldn't handle it anymore so I got up and threw a slap on the boys face who was trying to force Sakshi.
That boy couldn't not believe what happened with him It took him five minutes to believe he has been slapped by a girl.
He couldn't control his anger and tried to slap me but then a hand blocked him .
Then the doors burst open and our principal and other teachers came and rescued us .
At the time I turned to see who helped us he was gone.
I only saw his bracelet which has a "p" engraved in it.