Refused to be brave

He brought my gifts back.

Again questions swirl around in my head but I snapped out of it because I was fed up from all the questions and the silver.

I didn't tell anything to Sakshi .

when she asked me about the gifts I said they are from my mom Which was true and it's billing address got all wrong and Arjun got it so he gave me back my things.

After listening to me she started saying all these crazy things like it's God's will that you and Arjun are ment to be , he is such a nice guy and blah blah blah.

I told her firmly that I don't believe in her belief so she should never speak about it Infront me .

I could tell that she was hurt by me but she needed to understand the situation so I told her off.

I decided to quit the competition and any contact who leads me to him.

There was some holidays coming up so I don't have to go to school anymore,I could stay all day in my room and nobody will notice me.

Sakshi was also going home so I don't have to worry about her.

Also half of our hostel girls are going home so it's very quiet around here.

so I thought to myself that I will gain my peace of mind in no time.

in the last day of our school I went to our dance teacher to withdraw myself from the competition.

He was practically furious because I backed out in the last minute.

dance competition was going to held in the first day of school after holiday now with half of the children gone he was really in a pickle to find a girl who can suite Arjun in dancing because he was very fast and very good.

He asked me the reason but I didn't tell him ,I just told him that it's a personal matter that's all.

He was pissed but I didn't wait for him to burst his anger on me and I didn't wanted to see Arjun so I left .

I wanted some books for myself so I went into the library to issue some books so that I can live through it in my holidays.

After I left Arjun came to the dance teacher for practice and saw dance teacher pacing hall in anger so he asked him why he was angry and he told her about my withdrawal .

he was astonished at my ignorance towards him so he told our dance teacher that he will solve this problem and bring me back because there was no way any girl can learn the dance faster than me so I was there best chance . so he told dance teacher to wait for one day and then he came to find me.

he Searched everywhere I can be the café the school groups, classrooms but I couldn't figure out where I was then he waited for Sakshi's class to be over and then he asked Sakshi and Sakshi told told his about my plans.

he came to the library with Sakshi and when I saw them I got up and issued my books and started to walk away but he stopped me and gave all the books that I just issued today, to Sakshi and grabbed my hand so that he can take me to the dance teacher .

But I was not in the mood for his bossiness so snatched my hand away and told him to go away.