An Eternity At Sea | Entry One: Complete and Utter Destruction

It is estimated that 95% of the ocean and 99% of the ocean floor is unexplored.


Day 0. To start off this log, I should go over the situation we have found ourselves in. In the year 2020, several nuclear bombs detonated all across the globe due to an unknown terrorist group. Tensions and suspicions ran high, triggering World War III. Countries took turns being pulverized by each other with various nuclear weapons. Alliances were formed and broken, treaties tossed aside, and civilian casualties skyrocketed. It only lasted two weeks. The entire Eastern hemisphere is gone. Billions dead. The Western is in shreds. Luckily, America managed to avoid total destruction, but it still felt the war's wrath nonetheless.

Before our homes were torn apart, we lived in Mystic, Connecticut. A small, calm town on the East coast. Life was good. I remember almost perfectly looking at the horizon of the mysterious, endless Atlantic ocean and witnessing the first missile flying through the sky. It soared overhead, then plummeting down a few miles away, erupting into a cloud of nuclear fire, consuming entire cities. The shockwaves ripped through Mystic, tearing apart most homes and buildings. In that instant, about 500,000 people died in Connecticut alone. All I could do was look as two more warheads followed, one hitting far North and one landing a few miles South of Mystic. The population of Connecticut, which was previously hovering around 4 million, was instantly reduced to an estimated 200,000 as two more explosions erupted. It was a miracle Mystic wasn't hit too hard. With a horrifying start, I realized my family was visiting relatives in Washington D.C. Still reeling from the shock, I tried calling them. Of course, all the nearby cell towers had been destroyed, so I was unable to contact them. My mother, father, and two sisters. They're dead, I know it. However, not having confirmation is horrible. Since I technically can't be sure they're gone, there is always that voice in the back of my head telling me they're still alive. I try shutting them up, but human hope is powerful.

Now, the year is 2025. Immediately after the initial destruction, the survivors in Mystic gathered together. However, disease rapidly spread due to nuclear waste seeping into the soil and water, killing most of whoever was left. Survival became a daily struggle, with food and water on the mainland slowly seeping away. So we, the last remnants of Mystic, Connecticut, have decided to abandon it and live out on the Atlantic Ocean. Over the past two years, we've prepared for this, building a ship akin to the size of a moderately-sized house that is primarily powered off of hydro-electric generators onboard. We've deemed it the USS Mystic. Our group, twelve people strong, will depart tomorrow onto the boundless sea. We do not have a concrete plan. Going to Europe seems to be our only choice, but we do not know the conditions they are currently in. May God be with us.


An Eternity At Sea | Entry One: Complete and Utter Destruction

By SevenTheWriter