It is estimated that 95% of the ocean and 99% of the ocean floor is unexplored.
Tonight is the last time that the crew of the USS Mystic will be able to sleep at land. Tomorrow we depart on our voyage...actually, make that later today. It's around 3 A.M here, but I can't get a wink of sleep. I tried for a while, but nothing worked. I figured I might as well do something, so I'm writing this in the dark with my flashlight out. I've moved quite literally everything I own into my room on the USS Mystic, all except the mattress I'm sitting on at the moment. Now, I don't know if it's just because it's 3 A.M and I'm half-delirious, but this plan sounds worse and worse the more I think about it.
I mean, sure, we don't have many resources in Mystic, but hasn't it always been that way? Survival hasn't exactly been easy for the past five years. Right now we're in a rut, for lack of a better word. But we can get out of this ditch if we simply persevere. I'm all for change but this just seems...drastic. We have food, water, and other resources that'll keep us alive out on the sea for about three months if we ration it correctly. In that time, we should be able to get to Europe safe and sound. But...then what? From what I've heard, Europe is pretty much gone. I mean, those are just rumors, but, still...if they're true, we're royally screwed.
I just need to truly believe that it's our only chance to survive. The mainland is dangerous, filled with maniacs, radiation, and plenty of other things that can kill you in the blink of an eye. Out on the sea, it's just twelve mostly trust-worthy people. Peaceful, safe, secure. Nothing can hurt us out there. The worst we'll have to deal with is bad weather, but our ship is pretty well constructed so even that isn't too bad.
...I still don't think leaving Mystic is the right thing to do.
But it's too late now. We're already halfway done. I just-
I'm thinking too hard about this. What I need right now is some rest. This is probably the last time I'll ever sleep in Mystic. If you told me what the hell would happen to my life five years ago, I would've laughed in your face. But now...those things we thought were only fiction are real. It's insane, it really is. Anyways, this is Brooklyn Kings, signing off. Whatever happens out there...we'll survive.
An Eternity At Sea | Entry Two: The End of the Beginning
By SevenTheWriter