An Eternity At Sea | Entry Three: Accepting The Unbelievable

It is estimated that 95% of the ocean and 99% of the ocean floor is unexplored.


I hear shuffling outside my room. I think that, finally, all twelve of us are onboard. I estimate I've been asleep for...around an hour. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I just needed to lie down. I closed my eyes, and…I just clocked out. I don't remember my dream, which might be lucky. Whenever I try to focus on it, I can vaguely see bright, flashing lights and...hear screaming. Anyways, I woke up drenched in sweat, sitting straight up. I forced myself to take a few deep breaths, then started writing to take my mind off of the nightmare.

Lately, I've been asking myself why I'm writing in this journal. And what's frustrating is that I don't have an answer yet. It's not really a logbook, nor a diary. I don't plan on showing this to anybody or publishing it. So, what's the point of writing in here in the first place?'s a substitute for a best friend to rant to. The closest thing I have to that is Brad, but he's not always around. Plus, I'm not gonna depend on anybody anymore. I've already made myself vulnerable enough by joining this group. I mean, I'm gonna be stuck on this goddamn boat with them for who knows how long! None of us really have a plan for what the future has in store, and I don't really think any of us want to. After there really an endgame to this crusade? There are so many questions soaring around my mind I'm afraid I'll-

I'm gonna have to wrap this up. I just heard the ships siren go off twice. Signal for a meeting. Well...signing off, I guess. I hope someday I'll look back at these entries and laugh about how worried I was.


An Eternity At Sea | Entry Three: Accepting The Unbelievable

By SevenTheWriter