118. Ambushed I

Third person POV

The commander went to the east direction with 15 people and Meiyun went to the west side with 10 people following behind her. She asked their elemental magic and told them to follow her command closely. If anything happened to her, they should immediately retreat and report to Hong er or her sister. They nodded their head and followed Meiyun.

After running for 15 minutes, Meiyun suddenly raised her hand and hid behind a tree, the rest of them quickly hid behind a tree near them and peeked at Meiyun, ready for the next order. Meiyun quietly summoned her ring swords into one of her hands while the other hand was still hanging in the air. They could feel a faint presence of people coming their way in high speed, one by one they summoned their weapon and were ready to attack.

Meiyun touched the tree behind her and closed her eyes, she activated her inner sight and observed her surroundings while giving hand signals to the other.

Meiyun: [ 26, high skilled]

She inactivated her inner sight when the group was getting near to their location. Meiyun was waiting for them to pass by and attack from behind, she hand signaled them to get ready. As soon as they passed Meiyun, she immediately disappeared from her spot and 4 heads fell to the ground in a second. One of the member in group noticed Meiyun's presence, he shouted and charged at Meiyun.

Assassin: " An attack!"

The rest of the group instantly stopped in their track and turned around to fight with Meiyun's group. One of her ring sword was flying around and slashing off their heads while the other ring sword was in her hand repelling their attack in close combat. Meiyun's side was winning but one of the assassins suddenly took out a firework and launched it to the sky.

The shadow of the assassin that launched the firework suddenly expanded and a bunch of people that wore the same clothes as them jumped out from the hole. Meiyun widened her eyes in shock when she saw the black hole.

Meiyun: ' Dark magic!'

Meiyun immediately shouted.

Meiyun: " Retreat!"

The ten of them quickly stepped back the moment they heard Meiyun's roar. They ran back to the entourage as what they were told before but their heart couldn't bear to leave Meiyun behind to fight alone. When they wanted to run back to Meiyun, she roared in anger.

Meiyun: " Don't you dare come back! Remember what I said!"

They gritted their teeth and continued to run to the entourage, they ran in full speed hoping they could arrive in a second and get help. Meiyun was circled by the assassins, they were trying to find a perfect chance to kill her in one swoop. The shadow magic user locked Meiyun's shadow so she couldn't move, they immediately charged at Meiyun when they saw the chance.

Meiyun threw both of her ring swords to the air and summoned a sword. She was fighting in ranged attack with her ring swords and close distance combat with a sword. One by one the assassins fell onto the ground lifeless but she still couldn't move from her spot because of the shadow mage.

She was doing well then suddenly blood flew down from her nose, her vision started to get blurry. She bit her lips to keep her conscious, she could taste a metallic liquid seep out of her lips. She swung her sword with all of her Qi and strength, the assassins around her were immediately cut into halves by the sharp wind.

Meiyun's knees wobbled as she supported her body with her sword, her ring swords disappeared as her Qi wasn't enough to use her magic ring swords. She tried her best to keep her eyes open while panting tiredly.

Meiyun: ' This goddamn illness! Why does it have to be now?!'

The assassins sneered when they saw Meiyun crouched down, powerless and helpless.

Assassin: " Now now, where is the heroic leader gone to?" ( A/N: They assume that Meiyun is the leader bc she gave order to the other ten.)

Meiyun didn't reply to him as she tried to catch her breath. The assassin walked towards Meiyun and lifted up her head with his sword.

Assassin: " I think I know you. Hhmm, magic mask?"

The assassin poured his Qi into his sword and sliced the side of Meiyun's mask. Her mask dropped to the ground as well as the blood from her nose and the part where he sliced.

(A/N: Bai Huiqing said that the mask couldn't be taken off by anyone if it wasn't the owner but at that time, Meiyun's Qi was too low and it affected the seal's durability. Summoning weapon, the mask, spell, almost everything they use was operated by Qi.)

Assassin: " Hoo~ No wonder you felt familiar, so you are code 011~ Where is your sister? Code 012 is it?"

The assassin grinned widely as he wiped the blood beside Meiyun's left eyes and licked the blood on his thumb.

Assassin: " Even though it is a pity that your pretty face was scarred, it is worth it to see how miserable you are now."

The assassin raised his sword to the air.

Assassin: " Say your last word."

Meiyun closes her eyes, knowing that she couldn't escape from the death.

Meiyun: ' Thank god that it was me that came here. I hope Huayun can protect Young Miss. Qiyi…'

A light smile appeared on her face.

Meiyun: " I love you…"

Meiyun whispered. The sword strike down and a head rolled on the ground. Meiyun frowned as she didn't feel anything on her neck. A clanking sound of metal was heard, Meiyun slowly opened her eyes and looked at the head that rolled beneath her. Her vision was too blurry that she couldn't see the face of the head but she knew that it was the assassin that was going to chop off her head.

Then a big and warm arm wrapped around her and pulled her to his embrace ,her body relaxed in his embrace as his warmness spread through her body. The man checked her pulse and sighed in relief when he knew that she would be fine for now, he looked at her bloody face and frowned. He took out his handkerchief and gently wiped off the blood on her face. After wiping off the blood from her face, he finally could see her face clearly. She has a quite beautiful face and he could feel her playfulness just by looking at her face but the long fresh cut beside her left eye caught his attention.

The man: ' What a pity.'

He took out his personal ointment and smeared it on the cut. Meiyun's eyebrow twitched when a cold substance touched her cut. His hand abruptly stopped, he looked at Meiyun's face with worried eyes.

The man: " Hold on for a bit."

He had never handled a girl before in his life except his mother thus he was afraid that he was being too rough when he smeared the ointment. His colleague had always said that girls were very fragile, it felt like they would break with just a touch.

His hand become clumsy after Meiyun winced in pain. He put his ointment back to his pocket after he was done smearing the ointment on her cut. Usually Meiyun wouldn't let a stranger touch her, however, she felt really safe in his embrace. She reached out and touched his hand with her trembling hand. He felt a small hand touched his hand, he looked over and saw Meiyun smiling gently.

Meiyun: " Thank you…"

She whispered in a breathy voice before she fell asleep with her head leaning on his chest. He brushed away her hair and stared at her face.

The man: " You're welcome."

While he was caressing her face, a group of soldiers marched towards him and saluted. A soldier stepped forward and spoke loudly.

Soldier: " Reporti-"

The man: " Shhh, lower your voice."

The man quickly shushed and warned him in a low voice. The soldiers peeked over their general's shoulder and noticed a beautiful lady sleeping peacefully in his arms. The soldier that was shushed spoke again but in a low voice.

Soldier: " Reporting , the enemy had been cleared. Waiting for the order, General."

The man stared at Meiyun's face for a while.

The man: " To the residence."