"Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire"
An fine and pleasant day start from the Quepos, puntarenas province, West of Costa Rica.
The district has a population of 22000 people. Quepos is the gateway of Manuel Antonio National Park.The town is named for the Native Quepo Indians Who inhabited the place in the colonial era.
The Little Hero of our story Born here on 1999, Now he became 19 years older. His day -to-day life in quepos is the survival to alive. The Government of puntarenas province is strictly follows the laws and regulations.This town is for an tourist, it is popular for national park and beaches. Little Hero San lives here with his family, where he belongs to middle class, Income equals their expenses so, there is no saving over them. Our Hero san Have to find his job to overcome all of his struggles and situations to live luxurious!
Where He could meet solutions for all of his Questions?
Thought makes one what he becomes. "Good thought makes good soul".
He is now at last year of his courses. What makes him to think big?
Only 365 days to prove his ability to achieve success.
Many Literate things around us but we should pick the best of it. Which is the best way to explore?
What makes an man Billionaire thinker?
His day to day life goes similar to the queries on his mind.
In this situation If he falls in love? What Happens to him?
His dream became only an dream?
Whether he could overcome all of his wants?
A unknown came after him to say "What A fucking Life U have?"
If the stranger becames the antagonist ? What will Happen??
Is Bsc In Computer Science is good?? San took this course and he is now at his final year.. An Billion thoughts in his mind but nothing helped him.
Though He have class at 9am He wakes at 7:30 getting ready in 30 min and he grabs the bus on 8:00 am If he miss that timing then he will be late to the university.
He have lot of friends in university but all are not his best only some close to him.. San have a gang of 3 or 4 friends around him. They were his good companions, His classes Finish at 3:00pm but He reach home at 4:00pm. This is the day -to -day life of San.
In the small town of Quepos daily lot of tourist visits the beach and park so the commercial business doesn't affect the poor.
Java coding is important to learn?
Java servlets are Very useful to keep a proper websites. Bsc holder can design a web page but hard to create a app. Designer thinks the way to highlight but creator thinks the way to communicate.
Think If we can decorate a moon and place the object how it should be??
San reads the newspaper daily at his university library. He daily came to know something interestingly around the world. But the advertisement catches his attention all the time.
San read all about where the money is??How it comes??
His days passed quickly but nothing he does..
Although He is not a proper coder, not a proper observor, not a well talented. How he can achieve.
But san determined," he should grow Untill when he have shares on the Moon".
A thing may be more powerful when it had more drawbacks before it reach upgraded.
similarly, Man overcomes all the estimations till he reach the Top.
San is little young, no support from the source codes.. but he should do for himself..
He went to the little classroom with some of his close friends, Whenever he goes In, the lecturer Before him. They curse him and his friends after they sat on their seat. They felt sleepy. No adventures on the classroom it passed like this for 2 years.
After the university overed, he came home and have little sleep. Better sleep is good for our creativity and our health.
Then he wakes after an hour, He opens his laptop and surf online about something which gives you the Money.
Whatever the way he finds on internet. Atlast, it will be worthless. So be aware of online scams.
One sunny evening, On the way to university to Home. San met an incident that an tourist guider went wrong to the tourist, who were from mexico they have two young females with them, but the fucking guider forced their children.But no one would helped them, At the correct time San watched all the tragedy and suddenly he uses the smart way though he is an little boy can't fight with the giant. San Capture the two female children an single snap and he went beside the guider to explain by showing their photo on mobile "They Were the Youngest members of UNO - If u does anything harm to them You will be facing all the media and the world talk about you as the Cheap Fanatic" - did Your family happy to see you as like this on media? Then the Fanatic guider realize and left the place.
- If the guider is literate San will be over for fooled him by knowing that UNO is what For? Its an National assembly ...-Laughed 😆
The Tourist Thanked Him and gave the money of $50 - He was excited.
He suddenly dreamt this the way to earn money woww -So, Where is the next problem..😂😂
Finding a career Is an Expecting the Unexpected one Nowadays.
San have to do his final year project. How he could complete Uniquely??
Skill is not a man-made product WE must Discover within ourself!!
Though we have skills, we have to outcome those to built a successful Landmark.
No one can easily grab the life of Cream."
" Survive till You have Energy
Or Revive the team for Synergy"
He came to the University library and start reading about the Worst days of 2018 that made him to think about the word "Worst" is the "Worthless".
Being poor can be Tolerable but being a Waste is a Worthless one.
He doesn't know what to choose next? At what the platform he should get on?
San, Walked along the road to the seashore. He wants some silence and loneliness. Thinking about the past gives you nothing. A man came beside him and laid his palm on his cheek told him " Life is not your expecting it is an expectation of unexpected one".
You have to continue your study in deep spring college That is not a normal institute Only 24 students are allowed to study per year. They will teach you about all of the struggles you need to overcome in your life.
"Whatever struggles you faced Only you alone going to enjoy all the giggles with you!"