The Point Of No Return

Hi, my name's Henrietta. If you are reading this, for now I am in a coma. Why? Well, it all started when...

"Henrietta! Come on, hurry up!" Dad shouted "It's almost 5!"

"Okay, Dad!" I shouted back, And went inside the car. "Bye, Mom!" I shouted "We'll be back soon! I promise. Love you!"

"Okay, Henrietta! Good luck on your camping trip! Bye, baby! Love you too!" Mom shouted back, And we waved at each other. "Are you ready for a camping trip?" Dad said, "Yeah!" I shouted in excitement, "Okay!" Dad shouted.

And Dad turned on the radio and drove to the camping site. We we're having a blast in the car, listening to our favorite songs and planning our activities. While daydreaming of our plans and activities later for camping, I hear screams and crying...

I peeked in my window glass and saw a man's shadow with a knife, I was terrified and peeked again if I was sure, and it was gone...

and a few minutes later, we arrived at the camping site. I got out of the car and gasped for air, "ahhhh, fresh air" I sighed, "Henrietta, would you mind, help me fix the tents?" Dad asked, "Sure Dad" I answered with a smile and helped dad. After we fixed our tents, we picked up sticks and made a bonfire, and cooked hotdogs with marshmallows on sticks, "I love bonding with you, Dad" I said "But, it could be more fun with Mom here"

"Well, Henrietta. I think it's getting late, let's go to sleep after we finish our food" Dad said,

I nodded, and after that we went to each of our tents and before I go in my tent, "Goodnight Dad" I said with a smile and he smiled to me as a greeting and went inside and locked my tent, to make sure I'm safe in here. And I slowly closed my eyes...

"Ahhhh" I sighed and checked my phone and it was already time for breakfast, I went outside and called Dad. A few seconds later he was still not replying me and I checked if he was still sleeping, but...

I saw his tent was unlocked...

I went inside and dad was not here, "Dad!" I shouted but still, no replies or anything and that time, I was scared and decided to go to a police station. I searched his bag and saw his phone and keys, "Yes!" I mouthed and quickly got his bag and grabbed mine too. I ran to the car and went in, I was relieved. And started the engine and locked the doors. I drove to the nearest police station. "What happened miss?" A police woman asked, "My d-dad is m-missing..." I answered nervously "We we're just camping and today, he's gone..."

"Do you have any contact of your relatives?" She asked, "Yes, my mom" I answered and gave her my mom's phone number. "Please wait, your mother is coming" She said. After a few minutes later, my mom arrived and hugged me tightly, "What happened? Where's your father?" Mom asked over reacting, "H-he's gone..." I answered nervously and had a talk with the police...

To Be Continued...