Chapter 15: The Unbelievable Truth


HELLO EV3RYONE! Thanks for being patient and for 11k reads!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Bless all of you and heres Chapter 15! Please keep supporting until I reach my goal of 20k READSS!!! THANK YOU ALL! Sending hugss to all of you!

Song for this Chapter:

Deathbed by Powfu (Its very beautiful, trust me, you'll love it!)



Josh approached me, "Are you okay?" He said and I just stared at him blankly and I just went back to sleep....

"Ringg! Ring! Ring!" I heard and I woke up and looked around if I transported to another place but I was still laying on my hospital bed but noone's here, there was just a phone ringing... I grabbed the phone and answered the call. "MrMmmm MrMmM MrmMmmm..."

I dont know what's it saying... "Hello? Who's this?" I replied then it stayed silent and I heard laughter of 2 people... It made me scared so I ended up the call... I noticed that the owner of the phone was Francis'. How could he go here in this hospital and how'd he know that I was in the hospital....

I checked the window to look outside...

And I saw 2 black cars and 2 men went inside the hospital with a phone... I quickly ran to the door and locked it, I was in relief but then a heard a knock on my door. "Its the nurse, could you please open the door?" I heard but I didnt opened it because it might be a trap so I stayed silent like noone's in the room, then the person kicked the door but the door is very strong and it needs a card that all nurses have to open the door so it wasnt a nurse, it was an imposter and I quickly grabbed the telephone beside me and called the nurses, the police, Josh and my mom...

Josh told me to calm down and to not go outside if the police isnt there... And the police arrived and caught one man, and the nurses got there and calmed me down and after the police captured a man with the mask they revealed his face....


"I was just getting my phone back" He said, "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT I WAS HERE!?" I said angrily and he stayed silent, "HOW DID YOU CAME IN MY ROOM!?" I said again... The police let me talk to him...

"Are you the man I saw earlier with a black car?" I asked, "Yes" He replied, "Then who's the other man with you?" I asked again with a raising eyebrow, "..." He stayed silent...

"ANSWER ME!" I shouted and he still stayed silent then Josh arrived then he punched Francis, "STOP!" I shouted and Josh stopped

"What happened!?" He asked and I said "I'll talk about it later, just give us some privacy..."

Then he nodded