Fresher in high school

A noisy first day of college. Filled with fresher's and they keep rushing here and there. A girl named Tina keeps searching for her classroom, then she meets 2 girls (Cherish, Chelsey) in the same branch of her's. Unexpectedly those two girls are going to be her long life friend's.

The first day of her classes ends with the introduction of everyone​ in the class and explanation of all the rules and regulations of school by the teachers.

Tina is a multi-talented girl. She is a lyrics writer, singer, artist and also good in studies. The thing she does the very next day is to join in music classes. She always daydreams about becoming a singer and releasing of her own album songs'.

Our Tina is a happy little princess for every one of her family since childhood. She is a very positive minded girl and good at making friend's where ever she goes. To pursue her happiness and to accept Fate, she quits all her dreams of becoming a singer and also quit her education. Let's see what made her quit all her dreams.

All her days are going so normal just like a normal high school student with routine day starting with healthy breakfast filled with egg's, pancake's, cornflake's with milk and a fruit juice, thereafter attending for classes in time without any leaves, doing well in all her month end exams, submitting her project files in time and returning to hostel immediately after finishing all her classes, ending her day with a nice supper and have good night sleep without any other thoughts.....until.... she meets a boy in an elevator, on a hectic day when she is in hurry of moving from math class to EVS( environmental science) class in the afternoon. There, There...There starts the story of our cute princess Tina.

The doors of the elevator opened and Tina sees that boy standing inside alone. She gets into the elevator and coincidentally they both needed​ to get off on the same floor. He gets out of the elevator and goes in his own way. Tina unknowingly goes behind him but actually, her classes are in the opposite direction. After he enters into his lab she then recognises and gets surprised that why she is standing in front of the lab, while her classes are in another wing of the campus. For a minute she gets mesmerized for what she has done. And she runs straight to her friends and explains what happened a minute back near the elevator.

Tina starts to explain to them about the boy. She is like "OH MY GOD who is he. No boy got my attention all these years in my life. It's like I'm completely out of my mind. He is such a handsome boy. He got such a perfect body and his eyes, nose, mouth all of them are like a perfectly engraved sculpture. I can't get his picture out of my mind. I feel like I wanted to see him again and again. I don't know what to say, he is like my first crush at first sight. And he got a unique style of walking from other boy's". She blabber's all those things without giving a chance for Cherish and Chelsey to talk. Just in one meeting, she felt so much about him.

Cherish and Chelsey starts to speak "Woah Woah slow down. Take a break. Give us a chance to speak.

Tina says " Hahaha sorry guys I just can't stop my blabbermouth. You guys have to see him for sure and only then you believe how handsome he is!!."

"OK OK show him to us when you see him next time and we will decide whether he is handsome or an average looking boy".

" Sure, I'm waiting for that next time to see him".

There ends the conversation between them as the teacher enters into the classroom and their class start to begin as usual.

These days the relationship between boys and girls are getting so intimate with the name of love, even they know there are only 50-50 chances of getting married to the same person they are in love with. Tina wants something like this to not happen in her life. Whatever the consequences may be she always makes a boundary of her own limits​ to not cross. Every person in this universe had or has a crush or love on someone at the very first sight. For some people, they cherish and bloom their love to the stage of life partners by marrying the person they love. But for some people it's not the same case, Fate decides their destination. Tina is the type of girl who believes in fate. Whatever happens in her life she believes it is written in her fate.

One month has passed, she can't find her first crush anywhere. Meanwhile, a boy from her class started to bother her in the name of love.

Rumours say that he already confessed for two girls of another branch, but got rejected by both of them. And also got a slap from a girl for asking smooch in a friendly chat with her.

Huh, Boys..... these generation boys say a lot of nice words to a girl to make her fall into their love trap. Something like this happened to cherish. Since then Tina decided to stay away from love. But she still pursues her first crush to know about him and to know what kind of guy he is. She herself build up the liking for her crush to distract from the path of love.

Two months passed but she can't see his crush anywhere. She lost all of her hopes of seeing him again. One fine day Tina is having her lunch with her friends in the campus canteen. There comes this boy again.