Marriage proposal

So she leaves to her home town for a few days. She is so happy to see them. Even her 40 days of holidays are not worthy when compared to these few days. Tina's dad is wondering why she suddenly wants to come home. She shares everything with her brother. So did she shared everything about Arjay, Raonul and all others. She also tells​ her brother that everything is over now. She asks him not to say this matter at home. Tina's dad inquired her brother. But he didn't tell him anything. But still, he thinks something is not going so right in his daughter's life.

One day he gets so drunk and comes to talk with her.

"Is something bothering you in school?"

"No dad, why are you asking me such a question?"

"Nothing. I have something to ask you."

"What is it, dad?"

"I want to give you the best. I want you to be

happy. I'll give you whatever you want, I return, you should give me a word."

"What is that?"

"I'll give you the best person who cares you more than I do, who treats you equally with his mother, who can provide you with all the needs, who can make you happy. Promise me that you don't say 'NO'."

Tina thinks for a second. She questions herself. " Am I really in love? Even though I'm in love, there is no single chance for us getting together. Even after he leaves school after graduation this year, I may not love anyone else as much as I love him. Dad, you gave me everything. Maybe now it's my turn to give you something."

"I promise you Dad. I'll give you all the rights to choose the person that I share my life with."

"Oh baby, thank you so much. I love you. You are the best daughter." Both father and mother are so happy listening to her answer.

"You remember!??... last time when we were

returning to your school after your summer

holidays, an uncle came and wished us near the outskirts of the town." Tina's father speaks, but her mother signals him 'no, not now'."

"Yes, I remember. What happened to him?"

"He is a close relative to us. He's​ got 2 son's, one is post graduated and taking over the family business, other is still in the middle​ of education. Last time when he saw you, you left him a good impression. He is so interested to make you as his first daughter-in-law. So, he sends a marriage proposal with the arbitrator."

Tina sheds into tears. "So is this the reason why you took an oath from me?... No, I don't want to get married this early. I have so many dreams. I have to get graduated. I need to get a job. I should make some album songs. How can I throw my dreams away? I need to stand on my own. I'll earn myself. I can't depend on someone for every simple need."

Tina's mother speaks " didn't I tell you to not say her. Now, look at what you did." " Oh dear, it's just a proposal, we didn't accept it yet. How can we agree without your acceptance!?."

"You can chase your dreams even after getting married. I'll convince them." Dad speaks.

"I don't even know what kind of person he is. How can I accept without​ seeing him."

"I raised him when he was a kid. He is good from heart. Your cousin's, who are in the same business field, they say he is the best match for you. Everyone in this town knows what kind of person he is."

" But!!, What if they don't allow me to study after getting married? I don't like to be called uneducated."

"How can you be called uneducated. You studied this long, you got good grades. What's the need for graduation? Not every successful men and woman are educated. But aren't they successful? Didn't they get fame? You can take care of business along with your​ husband in the future."

"I need some time to think. I can't accept now."

"Ok, But you have to answer me before this semester. Think well."


She returns to school. She always over-think and acts so absent-minded. Tina can't concentrate on her classes and don't do well on her competitive exams. Goro keeps observing her after returning from home. So he goes and talks to her,

"Hey!! what is wrong with you? Where are your brains? Did you drop them in the home? What are you thinking about? You are so absent-minded. I'm seeing you from the day you returned from home. And you don't go to the library with me. Is everything ok at home?"

She says " I'm not feeling good." and leaves.

Whenever she sees RJ, she feels downhearted and tears roll down on her cheeks. He did not appear when she wanted to see him the most. He appears more than before when she doesn't want to see him anymore. In order to hide from the sadness, she agrees for the marriage proposal.

The 'TIME'..... The time when she felt ignorance​ from RJ, the time when she felt very low and disappointed, the time when she left for home, and the time when she got a marriage proposal, everything happened at the right time. And that time and situations made her accept the proposal. She felt like this is the decision of God. So she started to accept it.

After Tina accepted for proposal, Her dad takes the next step. He takes​ the birth chart of Tina to the astrologer. Looking at her birth chart, astrologer says "she is so good at studies, but... I don't understand why she can't complete graduation. Give me some time, I'll check the reasons​ for the causes."

Then Tina's father says "She got a marriage proposal, is it the right time for her to get married?"

" Ohh... I see... So this might be the reason for her incomplete graduation. I didn't check her marriage chart. I was wondering what might be the reason for her dropping in education. I thought maybe because of illness or may be due to losing her interest in studies." "Show me the birth chart of the boy. Let me check the compatibility."

He hands over the birth chart to the astrologer.

After checking for half an hour he replies.