Chapter IV - Far Away

"Yah! Lady Eun Seong stop and let's talk about this!" Kyung-taek said , "Well it has been decided this is your fate Prince Kyung-taek" Eun Seong replied , a bunch of warrior came and surround Prince Kyung-taek while Lady Eun Seong is walking away . Princess Myung Hee is with Prince Kyung-taek , there's no way out their fully surrounded with those warrior out of nowhere , one warrior from behind run towards to Prince Kyung-taek and Princess Myung Hee , he is about to be kill but Prince Kyung-taek and Princess Myung Hee disappeared . Prince Kyung-taek suddnely appeare behind Lady Eun Seong while Princess Myung Hee appeare in her room .

Prince Kyung-taek's POV

Why am I here?! Why is she in front of me?! Is this real or is this a dream?! "What happen?!" I ask , "I save the two of you" Lady Eun Seong replied , "B-but w-where's Princess Myung Hee?" I ask again , "In her room" She replied . After a few hours it's getting dark in the forest and we're still walking "Lady Eun Seong?" I said , "What?" She said seriously , "Aren't you tired of walking? Also it's getting here where are we going?" I ask , "There's an abandoned house there we could stay there for a while" She said , "Btw w-where are we going?" I ask again , "Don't mind it and shut up there's someone coming let's hurry" She replied . I hear the footsteps of horses and sounds of chitchatting warriors coming "What about our footsteps?" I whisper to her , "It's gone ok..shut up please" She said . "Your Highness! There's a house here but it seems like abandoned" a warrior said , "Ok go find Prince Kyung-taek and let's hide him here so I can take my Lady to Queen Xin Yin" someone else said , "Sure Your Highness"the warrior replied again . Eun Seong and Kyung-taek also heard what they talk about "We need to get outta here"Eun Seong said , "How? Their everywhere" Kyung-taek replied , "I just need to find where can we land when I teleport ourselves" Eun Seong said , "How about at monk Xin's temple?" Kyung-taek said , "Is it near?" Eun Seong ask , "I remember it's across by the the river or something..sorry but im not familiar with this place" Kyung-taek replied , "It's ok.." Eun Seong said . Suddenly Lady Eun Seong teleport them to the temple where Prince Kyung-taek is talking about . "Is this it?" Eun Seong ask , "Yes this is it!!" Kyung-taek said . Prince Kyung-taek knock on the gate and a monk shout "Who is there?" , "It's me your grandson Prince Kyung-taek!!" Kyung-taek replied . The gate open and it was Prince Kyung-taek's grandfather who is now a monk "Grandpa!! How you doing here with the other monks?" Kyung-taek ask , "Well it's fine we're doing good..oh! btw why did you come by?"Monk Xin ask too , "Can me and Lady Eun Seong stay here for a while?" Kyung-taek replied , "Lady Eun Seong?!! Oh dear it's honour to meet a god for the first time!! " Monk Xin said , "It's also an honour to meet a higher level like you monk Xin" Eun Seong replied , "Why did you want to stay here Lady Eun Seong?" Monk Xin ask , "I wanted to visit Blossom Field to put a rose on my stone to treat myself like a queen " Eun Seong said , "So why did you decide to visit Blossom Field?" Monk Xin ask , "If I put a rose in my stone I can die after 2000 years and reincarnate to see my love in the future" Eun Seong replied .