
Ch. 10: Recruiter

"Rich they were just kidding. I'm sure they didn't mean it." I tried soothing Richie's bruised ego as we made our way through the market. After rummaging through the wagon, we found some suitable clothing for the environment so that we could blend in better. I definitely didn't need that young doctor wannabe to recognize me from my other garbs and let the guard know I'm a thief.

"I know that. I'm not even upset. Who said I was upset?" Richie scoffed, "Those men just haven't gotten out much, that's all. I am perfectly big enough you know. Well, not that you'd know . . " Richie eyed me and smirked, "I mean, unless you actually accepted the apprenticeship- "

"Of course I didn't you twit." I flicked his forehead to shut his mouth. The last thing we needed was to have someone overhear his petty jabs and look more closely at my face. It wasn't that hard to tell I was a woman - if you had suspicions to look more closely. I wasn't sure if any of the people on the street understood about our traditions of apprenticeship, but someone might and they would definitely figure out it was a woman-thing.

"Stop jabbering and put your words to good use. We need to find board and pay. Let's ask the merchants to see where newcomers should look."

We split up briefly and were both met with the same answer: visit the local Recruiter. Apparently in this society, once a man was old enough to gain employment he would go to the Recruiter and receive the job he was most suitable for.

"Well, let's head that way then." We made our way through the bustling streets to a rather large circular building in the middle of a square. Outside the building stood a line of young eager males waiting patiently. We made our way to the line and after a little questioning, found out that they were all here for the Recruiter. We settled in and awaited our turn.

After a few hours, we found our way at the front of the line. We peered inside the building and saw a young man being thoroughly checked over by a balding old guy. The old man was hunched over and his walking was assisted by a cane. His aged eyes looked the young man up-and-down, forced the youth's mouth open to check his teeth, and tapped his limbs with his cane. The elder man hoarsely asked the youth what skills he possessed.

"I can read, write, do heavy lifting, and am very physically fit." After rubbing his chin a little, the old man pointed to a pile of rocks at one side and informed the boy to pick them up and carry them across the room. Once done, the old man asked him to do fifty push-ups. Then the old man pointed to a desk and asked him to begin writing. Not long after, the boy handed him a freshly printed document. The elder's eyes scanned the letter and spoke softly, "Lad, you would do well to be part of our grand military. We need more strapping lads like you. You will carry your sealed letter to the arena for basic training. Good luck."

"Thank you Recruiter. You are most gracious." The boy bowed his head and walked over to where another man was filling out a letter. After it was sealed, the boy headed out of the building out of sight

"Next," the Recruiter prompted. Richie and I looked at each other, and I nudged him forward. Richie stood before the old Recruiter and received the same exam. After being asked about his skills, Richie proudly proclaimed, "Reading, writing, sewing, entertaining, and all kinds of other stuff. Really luv, just take your pick. I'm a plethora of handy skills." Richie winked at the old geezer.

The Recruiter rolled his aged eyes and looked back at the scribe, "He's a definite fit for man-servant. Place him in the palace." Richie waltzed over to the scribe, took the sealed letter and stood near the side waiting for me to complete.


I stepped forward. I was a little nervous to be found out. The old man looked me up and down with an extra glance at my face, "Are you even fifteen boy? You seem very young and fair to be of age yet."

I deepened my voice, "Yes sir. My brother and I came from Isotope and wish to be a part of your grand city. I have many skills to offer the glorious empire." I struggled to get those last words out without biting my tongue. Since the caravan people from Isotope had similar skin tone as our own, I decided to use that country instead. There was no way we would survive if I had mentioned our birth-land.

"Hmm. Isotope. I hear many of their lads appear fair like you." He opened my mouth and checked my teeth then nudged my limbs with his cane. "What skills do you possess?"

"I am skilled in reading, writing, and posses adequate fighting skills." That was pretty much all that I was good for. I hated having to divulge the information, but there really wasn't much choice. I did NOT want to be a servant, and in order to successfully find who I was looking for, I needed into their military.

The old Recruiter looked skeptical but had me drop and do fifty push-ups. He then had me move the rocks, same as the fellow before us. He asked me to copy a page from a nearby book and announced that I would join the military.

I was to head to the arena for basic training.