
Ch. 19: No Tears

Horrors from that fateful day flashed inside my head. Corbin's bleeding broken body, fire and ash, the screaming of women and children all came rushing back. My hands started to shake from anger - no, pure rage as I stared at the man slowly walking in our direction. Every fiber of my being wanted to get up and strangle the life out of him until he was nothing more than a pathetic waste of flesh that I could stomp on over and over again. All of my attention was centered on him, however he didn't even glance at me as he made his way towards the head of the table. He appeared exactly the same as the last time I saw him, with long raven black hair and piercing violet eyes. Still dangerously handsome, the demon's narrow nose and high cheekbones were bewitching, like a siren luring his victims to their doom. He was clad in a black leather surcoat wrapped with a golden belt holstering the same long-sword from ten years ago. A long black cape detailed in gold trim flowed from confidently behind like an immortal devil coming to destroy the rest of the world.

"Brother! I can't believe your back!" The King quickly rose from his seat. Panic momentarily flashed across his eyes, but disappeared just as quickly. He plastered a huge smile on his face, "It's been so long I hardly recognize you. I'm so pleased to see that you are in perfect health. Come everyone, a toast for by brother's safe return!" The King raised his glass, not even giving the demon a chance to remove his cape.

"Here, here! A toast to Prince Baymun!" The portly dignitaries stood up while raising their glasses. Still in shock, I numbly rose to stand. My hands were still shaking from barely-restrained rage causing me to drop the goblet. Wine spilled down the front of my dress, momentarily snapping me out of my blood-lust.

"Ezran! Oh gosh, do you need help with that?" Prince Iren's eyes lit with concern as he almost reached across the table to assist me.

"Iren restrain yourself. The woman is fine - just a minor spill." The King gave a death glare to his younger brother, as if he hated the thought of Iren helping me clean up. I suppose it made sense being as they thought so little of their women anyway.

The King looked me up-and-down, particularly eyeing my now soaked cleavage, "Why don't you go get changed while we readjust the seating for Baymun's arrival?"

Uncomfortable with the obvious ogling and still in quite a rage from the appearance of my race's decimator, I couldn't help but quietly sneer, "A benevolent King - how quaint?"

Turning on my heel, I desperately left the banquet hall before doing something I would regret.

Richie followed me out being as he was my 'maidservant'. Although I was at least a head shorter than him, he could barely keep up with my speed as I rushed to the same dressing room as before.

Closing the door behind us, Richie whirled at me, "What in heaven's name is wrong with you? Anyone would think you were going to murder that prince with all the glares you were casting his way!"

"It's him. He's the one . . . He killed our race, Richie! I don't know what to do . . I can't think."

I couldn't calm myself down. Blood kept appearing before my eyes. Corbin's body, my weakness, the screaming, all of it was too much to have tearing at my brain. I felt like my heart was going to explode; my stomach turned in so many knots I thought I would retch.

Richie placed his hands on my shoulders and knelt to look at my face. Tears of unresolved anger, resentment, terror, and hate were about to burst from my eyes. Before a single drop could escape, I felt a sharp sting on my right cheek.

"You slapped me?"

Richie stood at his full height, looking deep into my eyes, "You're darn right I did. I don't care who you saw or what comes our way, you will never cry in front of me, you understand? I won't have it Ez - I've not seen you cry since the war, not even once, and it better not start today." His voice was hard.

'He's right. How could I allow my emotions to run rampant at a time like this?' This was a golden opportunity to finally exact my revenge on the person I hated most, and here I was acting like a foolish child. Who was I to be scared? I was EZRAN! I had mastered the skill of stealth, delved into the art of war, and was still alive today. I was Ezran - no force on earth could match my determination. I would overcome any obstacle, defeat any enemy, and go to the edge of hell to make sure that my race would have a fighting chance - no, that EVERY race could have a fighting chance for equality and survival. I would stand up for the weak and strive for a better world. I am Ezran . . . and I will shed no tears.

"It won't happen again Rich. Thank you."


- Derrick -

Not catching what she said, I watched Ezran leave to go change, puzzled by her odd behavior. 'Why would she be so upset to see Baymun? If anyone should be upset, it should be me!' When Baymun walked in, I nearly vomited blood. My plans to have him assassinated obviously failed. I couldn't understand why he would be coming here, HERE, of all times. I had just finished negotiations with Crawfond and the delegates would be leaving tomorrow. I was right in the middle of enacting my next step when out of nowhere this obstinate brother of mine appears.

'Why didn't he send a messenger informing of his arrival?' My paranoia was piqued. Still, I did the best I could to cover up my displeasure of seeing him alive and well.

I began making adequate setting changes as best as I could muster in the moment. Since technically he was higher ranked than me, I allowed him to have my spot at the head of the table. I placed myself directly beside his left, with Ezran's vacated seat beside my right. At least this way I would be a little closer to her.

"It's good to have you back brother," Devin said sincerely to Baymun before Iren's annoying questions started, "Brother I'm so glad your back! It's been like two years, I've missed you so much. Tell me, how were the battles - were they glorious?? Did you see a lot of new lands??"

"Hush up Iren - give Baymun some time to rest his feet before having him tell you stories of his adventures." I interrupted. "I thought you would have been back sooner though. Tell me, how was the journey?"

Baymun turned my way, his violet eyes holding no trace of his thoughts, "I just got back from Masagonia. I would have been here a few months earlier if not for some trouble on the road . . ." He didn't elaborate, but I knew. Of course I knew. I had paid a group of Masagonian assassins to ambush him on the highway. The Masagonians had set aside some of their best to complete the task once their army was 'defeated'. Since Baymun knew that the brutish Masagonians wouldn't go down without a fight, they agreed to stage the war effort, allowing our army to defeat them quickly without much bloodshed before surrendering. Once the Crown-Prince was lulled into believing the war was over, he would return home only to be killed by 'angry locals' due to the result of the war. Being as I had already agreed to negotiations with the Masagonians, we would receive mutual backing after the assassination. 'What went wrong?'

"Trouble? What kind of trouble brother?" Iren asked with wide-eyes.

"Oh, nothing of consequence." Baymun said discreetly.

"And how is Masagonia?" Devin asked.

"They are completely obliterated." Baymun looked up at me with cold eyes. 'He knows!!!' He had to know. Why else would he look at me that way?

I forced myself to calm down. He probably doesn't actually know, how could he? The Masagonians would never betray me, never!

Baymun's eyes were still locked on to me as he leaned back in his chair nonchalantly with his glass raised, "So brother, I heard we had a little 'spy' infiltration. It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the woman that was in here a few moments ago, would it?"

My eyes widened, "Actually yes. The little minx managed to pass through the gates, get recruited as a soldier, and win in the arena before I caught her. Can you imagine that? She made our magnificent empire out to look foolish, but rest assured, I believe I have a very sound way of making sure she won't be a nuisance . . . I'm going to wed her."