
Ch. 27: Single-Combat

The King's eyes lit with astonishment, "Eurosia is a dying land, isn't it?"

I bowed my head in agreement, as the King looked at me meaningfully with wisdom, "Seems like this Champion has something to prove. Rodair -" he looked up at his own Champion with respect, "Give this Champion an honorable death."

"Most certainly Sire." Rodair bowed lowly in respect to his King and also to me. Rising he stated, "Rodair gives honor to this Champion."

"Thank you, now let's commence." I took off my cape and tossed it to Richie as Rodair began walking forward. As I walked his way, the two parties backed up to give us some space. Rodair had two mighty axes holstered on his back, but he didn't pull them out yet. Instead he balled his huge hands into fists and got in a fighting stance. I knew there would be no way to fight him hand to hand, so my best alternative would be to wear him down quickly. Since he was much bigger than me, I had to hope that my speed exceeded his own. His stores of stamina were probably better than mine, so I had to make this fight quick.

I pulled a dagger from one of my leg holsters and waited for him to make the first move. Luckily, he didn't disappoint. Rodair made a boisterous war-cry as he barreled toward me. I swiftly dodged to my right as he turned himself around. He threw a right-hook straight at my head so I took a dive in-between his legs. I mean - he WAS large enough for me to do so. Rodair was momentarily confused as I quickly turned and sliced through the crease of his left knee. I heard him suck in some air as he lifted his foot to stomp on me. Thankfully he missed - otherwise my skull would have been crushed. I rolled away and flung a throwing knife at the same location behind his knee. Once it made contact a loud roar of pain could be heard. Blood spurted from the artery as he spun around and came for me again - much slower this time. Unfortunately for him he had no armor on to defend himself from my throwing knives. So . . . I began throwing. I sheathed my dagger and pulled out knife after knife, hitting his major joints. I got both his elbow creases, both his kneecaps, and his shoulders. By the time he actually made it to me, he looked like a human pincushion. He grabbed for the axes on his back, but as he reached up I threw two more knives at his underarms. I hated it for him, but my aim was dead-on. Howling in pain, he changed tactics and began pulling out all of the knives. My eyes widened as he started throwing them back at me. Dodging, ducking and rolling I swiftly moved any way possible to avoid being hit. Thank heavens he wasn't a good thrower, otherwise I would have regretted giving him so much ammunition.

Making it out unscathed, I noticed he was reaching for his weapons again so I had to act fast. Running at him head-on, I grabbed for my two daggers and raised them high as I made a dash at his feet again. Sliding in-between his spread legs once more, I stabbed the daggers through his feet into the ground, holding him in place. He had just managed to grab the axes, when the shocking pain coursed through his body. Screaming, he dropped both weapons to the ground as he fell to his injured knees. I rose up behind him, (luckily I moved before he knelt on me) pulled my split-blade dagger out and held it to his throat. Now that he was on his knees, he was about eye-level so I got close to his ear and asked, "Do you yield?"

Breathing heavily, Rodair closed his eyes, "This Champion is a worthy opponent. Rodair yields. Kill this lowly Lord and give Rodair honor."

I drew back my dagger and walked in front of him to look him in the eyes, "You fought honorably. I will not stain my weapon with worthy blood. We need more men like you to fight alongside us - men who are honorable and fight nobly. Rise and live."

A single tear fell from Rodair's beautiful blue eyes, "Rodair owes this Champion a life-debt. Rodair will follow this Champion and learn from this Champion's worthy ways until Rodair's debt is repaid."

I shook my head in disbelief, "No, you're a Gorvantian. They will need you."

Rodair looked at me with determination, "Rodair is no longer a Gorvant. Rodair belongs to no land until Rodair's debt is repaid. Such is the way of Gorvant."

I was still heaving from the fight as I looked back at the Gorvantian King in confusion. The King merely nodded his head in approval and announced, "It appears that Gorvant's Champion has been defeated by Ezran! Many men have been spared today by this grand single-combat! Henceforth Gorvant happily swears undying fealty to the Bodach Empire! Gorvant's loyal Lord Rodair is free to follow this Ezran until such time as Rodair's life-debt has been repaid. Such honor for Rodair! Give praise to Ezran's mercy!"

All of the Gorvantian army began cheering for Rodair and me. I turned to look back at Kovin and Richie - both were absolutely stunned. The army behind them were stunned as well, until suddenly they joined in the cheering.

At least I was able to get a little respect out of this encounter along with a new ally. Turning to look at Rodair again, I reached out my hand to help him up, "Well since we will probably be getting to know each other, we might as well stop your bleeding."

Rodair smiled his big toothy grin, "That we should."


News of the Bodach Empire's new Champion spread to the surrounding lands like wildfire. The fact that a woman was leading a male-driven army (the number one male-driven army I might add) was gossip enough, however tales of 'Ezran: Gorvant's Merciful Conqueror' seemed to drive most of the talk - or so the informants told us. I didn't get to hear much local talk as we were heading to yet another land for battle. It had been three weeks since the Gorvantian victory and we had been traveling for two of those weeks straight. I was tired and very uncomfortable as we continued along. Sighing in my saddle, I listened to Richie and one of our informants named Lendale talk non-stop.

"It's true! All the opposing lands are thinking twice about battling against the new Champion. None of them can believe that she single-handedly defeated Gorvant - a land that has NEVER been allied with other territories. And the fact that she did it without obtaining even a scratch! Surely Crown-Prince Baymun's choice was wise indeed." Lendale was full of admiration when just a month ago he was cursing my existence.

"Well what do you expect? Our Ezran is flawless." Richie smiled and winked my direction. I rolled my eyes as I tried tuning them out. It was only one battle but it seemed that they were getting ahead of themselves. Gorvant was a noble land; where we were headed now wasn't noble at all. Silvantia - even speaking the name sounded menacing. I was informed that their race was highly sadistic in how they kill people and they hated to do actual war. They would much rather use stealth missions or sneak attacks in order to wipe out the enemy before crossing onto their border. I would have liked to go around, but this was the only way through, so we had to do something in order to pass onto unallied lands.

Silvantia's terrain was one of their great advantages. They obtained a narrow expanse of mist covered land at the top of a cliff which descended into the ocean on both sides. From what I can surmise, they live in the cliffs causing sneak attacks to be highly effective. If we could convince them to make an alliance, then we would have a free passageway in and out of the outerlands. But from all the battle accounts I have read, only a few races have been able to pass through. I wasn't sure why though . . . Maybe if I could figure out how or why they allowed them through, perhaps we could save quite a few lives before having to enter into battle.