
Ch. 74: Tartlet Attack

I'm a decent human being.

I don't intentionally seek people harm.

Why does my luck run so bad, huh?

As I proceeded to gag on the food in my throat, my embarrassment at the entire situation hit an all time high. First I screamed from a nightmare like a runny-nosed kid, then I had to wear this ridiculous dress in front of tons of people (including my close friends and fellow soldiers) and now I'm choking on a freaking tartlet . . . Are you KIDDING me! Was this some cosmic joke?

So here I am, hacking my lungs out while poor little Iren's eyes bugged, hollering for water. Snippet started clawing at my hair while Toval laughed like a maniac. Illana began 'fanning' me (like that was gonna do a bit of good) with Rodair standing like a god-like statue in shock when, finally, Richie did the only helpful thing by slapping my back a few times.

Now able to catch my breath since the food successfully unlodged, Richie rolled his eyes, smirking, "Geez Ez, show some class will you? You've already received plenty of attention from the herald - Don't pile it on by trying to have every eye in the room looking your way."

I gave him a death glare followed by a very crude middle finger gesture, which was probably not the best move to make in a hall full of people staring at us. Richie mocked a shocked expression as Iren came running up with a glass of water, "Here Ezzie! Drink up! Are you okay? Do you need anything? I can go get -"

I held up a hand, "I'm fine. Just one of the more noticeable blunders of my life - Grace hasn't always been my strong suit."

Richie scoffed, "You can say that again."

I titled my head in his direction, eyeing him coldly, "You wanna go diva-boy?"

Richie's gorgeous blue eyes drew into slits, "Oh I'll go anywhere you wanna go sweetheart. And I'll do it with a lot more finesse."

Before I could retort, I heard someone clear their throat.

"Perhaps I could trouble the party with a friendly greeting before you two do anything else unseemly."

That voice. Don't tell me it's -

"Brother Baymun! When did you come over? I thought you were still conversing with the Council . . . If I'd known, I would've got your attention to come over and say hello to everyone."

The others around me did a courtesy bow while I turned, meeting the cold calculating gaze of the man I loathe. Beside him was a very amused Kovin and a concerned Prince Devin (the guy I kissed the first day I came to Bodach).

Baymun's sickenly attractive timbre rang out, "I don't believe you could've done anything more to catch my attention than what I've just witnessed Brother, but I appreciate your consideration."

I inwardly groaned as Iren blushed at the small (tiny) compliment he received while waving a hand, "Oh it's nothing. I'm really liking this banquet Brother - Well done! It's astonishing how many people we've received . . . Why when father was alive I don't think he ever invited the allies to such an event much less any of the women in other countries."

The demon finally looked away from me to nod at Iren, "That's true."

Even with such a simple reply the kid was not deterred. Iren kept on and on gushing about the banquet; highlighting the excellent music, decorations and food (cough). The boy kept talking until he stated, "It's just a shame that not all of the army could attend . . ."

Kovin spoke up at that moment, "Have no worries, your highness. Lord Baymun has arranged that the soldiers will be having their own feast in the barracks this evening, so you may rest easy."

I widened my eyes in surprise - That was actually quite generous.

Toval stepped forward giving a hearty laugh, "Well that's very magnanimous! I know the fellas will have a great time tonight. They've not had an enjoyable respite since that night in Zantark."

Richie smiled smugly, "Oh yeah. I remember that night."

I involuntarily let out a snicker, rolling my eyes in the process, mumbling, "Says the renowned philanderer."

Richie leaned over to whisper, "What'd you say luv? I couldn't hear over the sound of you being petty."

I bit my lip to keep from smiling. That one WAS pretty good.

Before I could come up with a witty comeback, Baymun stepped forward saying, "Richie is it? It's a welcome to finally speak with you in person."

I look over at a stunned Richie whose reaction caused me to smirk. He fumbled for a second before giving a gracious bow, "The honor's all mine, m'lord. I know we've seen each other before, but it's certainly a pleasure to speak with you. Thank you so much for allowing Illana and I to attend tonight."

What the what?!

My fun and games ended upon witnessing Richie sucking up to (what should have been) our most despised enemy. I suppose my inner turmoil was so great that poor Snippet felt it's boiling effect. She leaned over to the tip of my shoulder and gave a prominent hiss at Richie causing him to immediately back up.

"Seriously Ez? You're gonna sic your creepy lizard on me?"

I pursed my lips while cooly replying, "She's got a mind of her own Rich - Who am I to tell her not to express her feelings."

Baymun's gaze was back on me again, but so was his brother Devin. Devin leaned forward, looking at Snippet with curiosity, "What type of creature is that?"

"It's a whelp. Born and bred in our Weemason caverns." A strong boisterous voice belonging to one of the delegates named Sir Vol from Weemason came over. He offered a bow to Baymun and the other princes then looked up at me, "Lady Ezran! So glad to see you again so soon. You seem to have a very strong connection with your little winged friend there. She's a beauty."

I gave a kind smile to Sir Vol, "Thank you sir. Please tell your King that I am very grateful for his kindness in allowing Snippet to accompany me."

"Snippet? You named an intelligent creature like that Snippet?" Sir Vol asked, furrowing his hairy brows and scratching his long bearded chin.

"It's what she chose."

Sir Vol nodded his head, "Well, I guess that's that then. Odd name though." He turned to look up at Baymun, "We want to thank the Bodach Empire once more for assisting us in the recent invasion and resourcing of our city. If it weren't for these three people here, we wouldn't have our King and Queen any more." Sir Vol nodded his head in Iren, Kovin and my direction.

"The Bodach Empire will always aid our allies." Baymun simply replied.

Sir Vol nodded in understanding looking up at Iren, "It's a shame we couldn't have a fine tall prince to seal the alliance between our two territories. Say . ." Sir Vol looked over in Baymun's direction, "Since the young Prince Iren is unable to wed due to the campaign, there's always room for adjustment. I believe you are needing to wed in order to obtain your crown, isn't that right Crown Prince?"

Baymun lifted one defined eyebrow, "That is correct."

I had to bite my lip from smiling smugly. I knew what was coming.

Sir Vol's face lit up with a toothy grin, "Then how about you marry our beloved Princess? She is renowned for her beauty and an alliance would be quite beneficial."

The demon simply pursed his lips, "I welcome the sentiment, but do know that many territories are proposing the same scenario. It's a choice I will have to make after much deliberation."

Sir Vol nodded his head in understanding, "Aye, that puts you in a bind. Not so easy to be King, eh? Well if you happen to choose a different lady, maybe this other prince right here would do nicely for our lovely Princess?" Sir Vol looked up at Devin who proceeded to blush.

Baymun eyed his brother, "I'll keep that in mind."