DAY #1 [Only 3 good cryo pods!]

We just woke up after dropping out of subspace. There are alarms going off everywhere and the cryo tubes sealed our suits. The first thing I see is that most of the crew cryo bay is dark and my cryo pod's HUD display is barely functional. From what I can make out of the data streaming across the display the ship is nearly dead and drifting. All of our cryo tubes are in the midst of an emergency wake and eject process. So I have less than 5 seconds to read the scrambled display before I'm ejected from the cryo pod even though I am the first to wake up out of all of the crew. I end up being thrown across the room and hit Arrica just as she is also ejected from her pod which is farthest from me on my right. Then we both get hit by George who is in the pod across from Arrica. Just as we get ourselves separated I see that Abbie is trying to remove her helmet in a panic. In my rush to get to her to stop her from unknowingly committing suicide I push both of my other crew back towards my cryo pod so I can get to her faster in the zero gravity. I manage to get to her just as she gets her helmet unlocked but has not yet broken the vacuum seal and I manage to stop her and start trying to re-lock the helmet while Arrica comes over to help. After a panicked struggle for what seams like an hour we finally manage to get Abbie's helmet re-locked and get her partly calmed down so that she is no longer panicking but is still very agitated. Arrica Looks over and gives George a look that could destroy an entire fleet of warships and starts yelling at him that he could have come over to help. I manage to get back to him and realize that he is trying to get my cryo pods display to function correctly so we can see some information other than what we can see inside the cryo bay. While looking around I see that we are in fact very lucky to even be alive as my cryo pod has damage on the side of it and most of the other pods in the crew bay are either severely damaged or completely destroyed with parts floating everywhere. I also notice that there are holes in the ships hull making it appear as though we are using a screen door instead of 1/2 meter thick armor plating. After almost an additional hour of being stuck inside of a dark cryo bay with only the lights from our suits to see by and the dim light from the cryo pod control panels letting us see that the pods are the only thing in the bay that has power at the moment and they are running on the built in emergency backup (this power source was only intended for use as a tracking beacon short range comms and cryo pods) Abbie and Arrica finally get the display in my cryo pod to work by joining all of the pods power systems together in a tangled mess of wires while me and George have been trying to get one of the two doors open. When Arrica calls over to us we navigate our way back over and just as I'm about to ask her what she found she just looks at me as though the entire world ended. I manage to get past the two ladies and look at the display and after reading the information on the display I see that this bay is cutoff from the rest of the ship in every way possible and the only thing the pods can do is show the last available data that the ships sensors detected before the data cables where severed. After looking at the data for nearly ten minutes I find out that we went through a meteor storm and to make matters worse it was full of micro dark matter meteors (which explains why they went though our hull as easily as a plasma torch through hot butter) while coming out of jump mode in an "emergency jump drop" due to extreme gravity and temporal distortion (time displacement). I already know that there is only four things in the known universe that can cause this. Ranking from the safest (easiest to survive) to the deadliest (instant death) is #1 a white dwarf star, #2 a supernova, #3 a pulsar and #4 a black hole. Given that we are still alive I immediately rule out a black hole. I then have everyone use their suit scanners to check for gamma ray energy and we all come back empty so this rules out a pulsar. Now I just have to get to an outer deck so I can try yo see if we are near a white dwarf or a supernova. Until I can get there though I have found that we currently have a few thousand small holes in our hull to patch up and while my ship looks like a flying piece of Swiss cheese it's total structural integrity is hovering around 15% and even the smallest impact to the external hull could split the ship into several parts, if we have any luck left and this does happen the ship won't explode as well. I ask Abbie to start trying to get as much of a damage report from my pod as she can so I can figure out where to start on trying to save our lives and to keep her busy while the rest of us try to get one of the two doors open so we can get out of this bay. I figure the engineering deck has to be the most intact since it is the most heavily shielded part of the ship so I want to try to get the rear door open first and try to get moving in that direction. After nearly 3 hours of work and not really getting anywhere we finally catch a break and the door opens all of the way just as we had given up. Abbie floats over to us with a smile that just tells you she is trying to do something to piss you off or at least put herself in a better mood and says "If the door was so important then why didn't you just ask?". The rest of use just look at her and face palm ourselves at the same time. She then reaches out and passes me the tablet that she is holding. On the screen is a damage report which I take a look at to try to find the best route to the engineering section. While looking at the display I notice that it is missing a lot of information as well as the fact that we are all but screwed. I then look over to the rest of the crew and pass the tablet around for them to see for themselves. Once they have each had a look and shit their pants I get the tablet back and start heading out the door with the rest following me. We get out into the main medical bay and start searching for any supplies that we can find quickly. I only give the crew 30 minutes to search so that we don't spend too much time here in this room.

We manage to find a few first aid packs, 6 suit battery packs, some extra portable medical o2 tanks as well as a couple of portable h2 tanks, but almost nothing else is usable. I then get the crew together to try to get the next door open and just as we get near the door it starts glowing a slight red color. We all already know that there must be a fire of extreme temps on the other side so I get the crew and we start heading back into the crew cryo bay. About 5 seconds after the door closes again and we are holding on to the hand rails near the ceiling (installed on all ships in case of artificial gravity failure). Because of the hand rails we can hear the muffled sounds of the explosion when the other door finally gives way. I wait for a few minutes and when the vibrations die down I reopen the door to see that the medical bay is not very much worse off than it was before outside of the fact that now there is an extra door in the room as well as a hole that is big enough to go through to outside the ship. I stick my upper body though the hole and see that the entire port side solar array is missing and I notice that the ship is slowly spinning like a hot dog on a roller grill. After looking around for a few minutes I don't see any stars near us so I pull myself back in and we go to the next room. As we travel toward the rear we pass into the main passenger cryo bay and we see that the port side h2 tanks have blown and this is what caused the fire. We also see that almost all of the cryo pods are destroyed except for 3. These 3 pods are sitting on the starboard side near the rear of the room. After spending some time checking them we see that they are fully functional but don't have enough power to run correctly. We then go through the rear door of this room and end up in the rear stairwell and start heading down to the main engineering bay. While traveling down the stairs we clear some of the larger floating debris so we can go past it and finally make it to our destination. Almost as soon as we enter we see that the bay fared much better than the rest of the ship so far since we only see a few holes and most of the equipment is still intact. Just as midnight approaches we start sealing holes so that we can try to get pressure back into this one room.


(Damage report)

Main hull breach

Cockpit integrity 5% (leak detected)

[cockpit pressure 0%]

Hangar integrity 5% (door missing) (leak detected)

[hangar pressure 0%]

Production integrity 20% (leak detected)

[production pressure 0%]

Medical integrity 5% (leak detected)

[medical pressure 0%]

Cryo integrity 5% (leak detected)

[cryo pressure 0%]

Airlock 1 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 1 pressure 0%]

Airlock 2 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 2 pressure 0%]

Airlock 3 integrity 5% (leak detected)

[airlock 3 pressure 0%]

Engineering integrity 98% (unknown item detected)

[engineering pressure 20% and and stable]

Engine Status

Main ION engines not responding (not enough power)

Maneuvering ION engines 40% (dependent on power level)

Main Hydrogen engines not responding (no fuel available)

Maneuvering Hydrogen engines not responding (no fuel available)

Gyroscopes not responding (control circuit damaged)

Jump Drive 10% remaining power (jump not possible at this time)

Power Status

Main power 3% and falling (requires nuclear fuel and main engines)

Auxiliary power 40% and falling (port solar array lost / starboard solar array damaged)

Backup power 40% and falling (no fuel available)

Emergency power not responding (battery status unknown)

Vapor Gas Status

Total o2 capacity (5 days remaining due to unknown leaks)

Total h2 capacity (0 remaining please seek ship yard help)

o2 tank 1 0% (leak detected)

o2 tank 2 0% (leak detected)

o2 tank 3 30% (leak detected) (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 tank 4 70% (leak detected) (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 tank 5 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 tank 6 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 1 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 2 not responding (port solar array lost)

o2 farm 3 leaking (starboard solar array damaged)

o2 farm 4 leaking (starboard solar array damaged)

o2/h2 generator offline (no ice available)

h2 tank 1 0% (leak detected)

h2 tank 2 0% (leak detected)

Sensor/Data System Status

Main sensor array not responding (unknown)

Auxiliary sensor array damaged (max range 50m)

Backup sensor array offline (unknown status)

Emergency sensor array offline (unknown status)

Main computer array 10% capacity (reduced power mode active)

Auxiliary computer array offline (unknown status)

Backup computer array offline (unknown status)

Emergency computer array offline (unknown status)

Production System Status

Refinery 1 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (offline)

Refinery 2 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (offline)

Assembler 1 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (offline)

Assembler 2 damaged (reduced capacity) (leak detected) (offline)

Recycler damaged (low power)

Other Systems Status

Weapons offline (damage detected)

Welding drone (unknown)

Recycling drone (unknown)

Relay drone 1 (unknown)

Relay drone 2 (online)

Scout drone 1 (unknown)

Scout drone 2 (unknown)

Combat drone (offline)

Mining ship (unknown)

Asteroid anchor (online)

Cargo system (online)