>>>Day6 20,064KM from point of origin

"Ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five," I whispered "four... three... two... one." The suit gave a loud fizz, then silence as the oxygen bottle emptied. I got enough ice for today trip. I kicked the glacier below and launched my self toward ebikko, holding my lung. I got through the airlock and removed my helmet with haste. Then wipe blood off my nose. Every second in the decompression deteriorate my health bit by bits.

I have to do this everyday now. Or atleast until I install a decent drill on this ship.

I stopped at my personal computer, flipped the switch. catching my breath.

"I want to grow sunflowers"


"So Ill never forget where the sun is.." I shade my eyes, looking at Karos's yellow star.

"When we have our garden.. We'll have bed, and time"

"All the time in the universe."

I pushed a button. End of the log.

Back to the cockpit, I set the forward thruster override to maximum as I breathed in freshly harvested air. I am leaving the graveyard behind. a new sector is ahead of me

"I thought it might be useful, you know, over there."

"I'll grow things, lots of things"