>>>Day13 54,262KM from point of origin

Entering New Donbass System Millions of small debries are in motion like specks of dust. The hazards will hit every fifteen minutes approximately, which I am lucky enough to not have any collision at all. The turret fires continously at the rocks that are never going to hit me, wasting bullets . but better to be safe than sorry.

I took my time accelerating, and staring out of the starboard, admiring the scorched desert planet. There used to be civilization down there, I can see the cityscape, dead and abandoned. Am I the only surviving population in this orbit?

"But what of the others? I can't be the only one." I sent a packet of data, and recieved a looping message

"Quarantine Zone 958A: New Donbass. [Parasitic] [Expunged] [Population: 0] In event that the pressurized cabin becomes tainted with Betafluan drill-leeches, you will be force-woken in order for you to remove the foreign bodies before they fill your bones with their egg-cancers. The drill-leeches will look like gray, cigarette-sized worms, their tails twitching as they burrow deeper. No matter how intense the chewing sensation may become, please--for your safety and the integrity of the cabin, do not scratch the drill-leeches. Merely mark your violation points with one of the helpful leech-markers from the emergency cabinet, and use the medical bay mechinism to safely extract the parasites before they reach marrow."

In other news, today's flight features an ice-picking to refuel my cabin's breathing materials. I only hope that the debries won't tear my ship apart while soing so.