>>>Day27 150,714KM from point of origin

I likes to close my eyes while handling the ship in top speed, Imagining I'm on a solid ground driving through the colonial valley, slightly humid forest in the calm, bright full moon night..

Ahead of me, the road cut through a washed-out bridge, I was driving for it at hundred-twenty kilos an hour. Moonlight lit the barricades, the ruins of the bridge dangling over muddy water road. The head light caught a light fog condensed into glitter, leaving a diamond like speck on the glass.

And we passed through the tunnel of birds. And we passed through the path of red pine forest. And we passed through the country of the deer. And we passed through the slough of steam. And we passed through the white washed tundra. And we came, finally, to home.

Then the ship maintenance notification beeps pulled me back to reality. back to the emptiness of space. I sighed, turned around and noticed something. I felt the chill down my spine. I saw him, only by a split second. It's not the first time, last time was only a shadow, a silhouette, nothing definite at first. But just now, I think I've seen him, staring out of the observation port or standing by the astrogation displays. I saw him staring at the screens, but he was blind to their display. Instead, he looked inwards, without looking at me...

I swallowed a sleeping pill. I'm not dealing with this.