>>>Day38 242,053KM from point of origin

My arm wound got a little larger, It doesn't hurt though. But I occasionally feel a jolt of shock coursed through my body like an alarm, making it harder to operate a drill and welders. It could be microscopic bacteria that was never recorded in my database. I could lose an arm. The worst case would be my body tearing up like confettis.

A noise pulled me out of my confetti nightmares. It's was the loud static coming from my comm channel. I checked my display. I'd been asleep for five hours and fourteen minutes. "what..." I murmured, then realized the futility of trying to ask. Instead, I struggled to my feet feeling the tug of the suit I'd neglected to undo before falling asleep. I walked to the terminal and start adjusting the dial. Streams of log rolled across the screen. It's content made my heart skipped a beat.

///NMS Pathfinder - Day 48///

I remembered a small bar in New Charon, somewhere my memory only vaguely recalls after all this time. It wasn't the bar I was looking at. It was his smile, a smile like a supernova, spectacular, blinding, beautiful, and threatening to collapse my world into nothingness. And it wasn't the gin and tonic I wanted to taste....

Everything about Cygni VII feels so long ago. New Charon may not even be a place any more, lost to time and change like so much I've seen. I don't need to remember much about homeworld, though. All I need to remember is the feeling when he pulled me in and let our lips lock.

It's my 21th birthday, All I wish for is a good derelict that has good foods. It'd be great if there's a chocolate cake, but I'm not that optimistic. I'm going to jettison this message in a Comm cannister so maybe someone out there can wish me a happy birthday. It'd also nice if *you* could send me a card (not a coupon please). It's quite lonely here, being alone and all.

I'm heading for Caldari Nebula. I heard that blue cloud there is spectacular. <3


The message is only a month old. I took a deep breath and set course for Caldari Space. For the first time in forever, I have a real actual goal.. with hope. I'm going to find her.