>>>Day43 291,670KM from point of origin

The Ashen Nebula I've recovered another cannister, This time it's damaged, Dents and scratches all over. The mark looks like it hit some rock. most of the data failed to be encrypted.

///NMS Pathfinder - Day 52///

[Data Expunged] ...I had only the vaguest memory of from my time in New Charon. A callow youth, always smiling, skilled with a gun; it was hard to imagine her facing a lonely death in a tube... [Data Expunged] ...I just passed through an unusual thunderstorm, in space. When the darkness combined with mildly dense asteroid field, I had to reduced my speed down to half. They said: If there are rocks to starboard and a storm to port, a wise captain steers a third course... [Data Expunged]

###Image Attached###

I touched the enter on the keypad and the screen lit bright green. My fingers danced across the keys and numbers filled the three displays. When the last digit appeared, the screen turned to a patchwork of fuzzy colors. What came into focus was a two-story house with a steep Cape Cod roof. Neat bushes edged the wide front porch. The bright red front door blazed against the white façade.