The Mage and The Princess

"So what on earth are we supposed to do now!? You've managed to piss off the elders, how am I supposed to go home?" scolded a young girl. Her hair was adorned with precious gems as did her gown. The boy with a black hoodie and pants halted as they rounded a corner.

"Do you desire to return to that foul shackle?" he asked, looking for the guards.

"I don't fancy that way, but I've got no choice. Right now, my title isn't going to save me," she said, helplessly. The guards then came towards the duo. With only one way out, the two were trapped.

"Watch me," said the princess, as she hopped out of the hiding spot.

"Memory Regalia," chanted the girl as she pointed towards the guard. The guards then froze in their tracks, and subsequently collapsed.

"What was that?" asked the Time Mage, coming out from the shadows.

"I made them forget how to breathe," she explained, without hesitance in her voice.

"So, you have single-handedly destroyed my kingdom. What am I supposed to do now?"

"Hey, its not my fault that your family practises Corrupted Magecraft," retorted the boy.

"Anyways, what do we do now? Teleport us away?"

"I'm a Time Mage, not a Space Mage. I can't just teleport you away. I am capable of doing so, but it won't be worth. You need to get away from this place before the Barren Pillars' Guardians from the Pentacle Arks sweeps through this area."

"So, Time Travel then," suggested the girl.

"It's called Time Frame Hopping, not the same as travelling, as you might assume," replied the 18 year old. He raked through his jet black fringe to the side and sighed.

"How different is it, then?" she enquired.

"You've heard tales of us Time Mages. About us manipulating time. It is true, but only to a minor extent. Like Element Mages who control their specific Elements, Time Mages control Time. Those fables about Time travelling is neither wrong nor accurate. We can Time travel, but we can't change the space. That's why it is called Time Frame Hopping." The chestnut haired girl look perplexed.

"You asked about Time Travelling as a Time Mage. I am unable to. I manipulate Time itself. I can't manipulate Space. I pick out a Time Frame that I desire and step into it. It changes the Time, but the area I started out would be the same," he explained, with a bit more depth. Confusion blanketed her face as he shook his head.

"You will understand soon enough," replied the boy. As he stomped his foot abruptly, a green glow emitted from the area he stepped on. He then dragged his foot around him, making a green glowing circle.

"Show me the open frames of Time," bellowed the boy. A few green swirling vortexes appeared around him. He spun around to locate the correct Time Frame he wanted.

"Activate the chosen Time Frame." The swirling vortex transformed into a stable portal. He then stuck his hand towards the teenage girl.

"I can take you away from here, to safety."

"I don't even know you, how can you guarantee my safety? I don't even know your name," she said, with hint of worry in her eyes.

"I'll protect you. I promise. We could go anywhere in time. A time that would be safe for you."

"Fine then, anything to get away from those shadow things. But watch where you are bringing me, if I end up as a robot, I'm going murder you. Got it, Time Boy?" sassed the girl as she grabbed the boy's hand.

"I've got a name, you know," complained the Time Mage.

"Then pray tell." The Mage snapped his fingers, making the vortex into a gate.

"Raiyen Phoenix E. Harmony," he replied, opening the gate. He then took a few steps forwards, with her hand in his.

"Phoenix, huh? Can you regenerate?"

"If I could, I wouldn't be a Time Mage. I would be a miracle worker. What's your name then, Memory Princess?" sassed Raiyen towards the girl. She pouted and followed him.

"The name's Nova Melody Orlaith," she replied.

"With the introduction done, tell me the itinerary," asked Nova, steadying herself.

"About a hundred years back, then forwards. Pick which one you feel comfortable in living for the rest of your life."

"And you are just going to drop me off like some passenger?"

"I'm not from this Time Frame either. I'm already trespassing my own rules as a Time Mage. But while I am here, I might as well fulfill the promise I made years ago. To keep you safe."

"But I've just only met you! You are not making any sense at all!"

"Spoilers," replied the Mage. He then leapt into the gate, dragging Nova into it.