Poison Vs Dark

"Hmm, looks like I've underestimated you, kids," laughed Old Man Pond, standing up with ease. Both Mages before the Commander started to pant heavily. Baldwin smiled as he took a step forward, placing him face-to-face an old pal of his first days on Earth.

"Out of everyone, Baldwin, you were the only one whom I thought could be anywhere near to my power level. A Mage that wields the most dangerous Element throughout the Universe. The only type of Mage that is immune to Curses and Corrupt Auras. We could have built a new empire together," said Old Man Pond, shaking his head. Baldwin simply let out an evil cackle, waving his hand up in the air.

"Well, you thought wrong. And besides, you were never one that I liked," replied Baldwin, as winds started to pick up. The greenery around the battlefield had started to blacken and die. The fallen structures were in a state of black dust as the winds started to pick up more speed. Fluffy let out a painful squawk as the Dark Aura became present in the sky.

"Corrupt the aura, surround me with it. Absorb all sadness, let me have wings. Good shall be bad…

Fade to Black!" commanded Baldwin. Soon, the entire battle was drenched with the dark purple Aura that had been looming around Baldwin for the past few centuries. Mavislin used her shield to stand herself up as the powers within her started to fight with the Dark Aura around them. Raiyen was unfazed, just had his sight hindered due to the foggy area. Within the cloud-ridden area, two serpents abruptly shot out and attacked the duo.

"Watch out!" yelled Nova, randomly. The silence was unbearable as she got worried. She felt a wave of relief as Baldwin protect her parents.

"Leave this part up to me," said Baldwin, taking the two wiggly things by hand and tossing them away.

"How are you able to see what's going on down there?" asked Ysabeau. Nova looked at confusingly.

"Can't you do the same using their Auras?"

"Of course not. I can only know barely a fraction of what's going on using their Auras. I can hear whatever that is happening down there. But I can't pinpoint exactly," explained Ysabeua. Nova sighed, facing the battle down below.

"Way to go, using others' pets to attack the pet owner," said Raiyen, wiping away the blood from his mouth. The acidic mist was starting to annoy Baldwin, so with a quick snap, the poison around and from Old Man Pond dispersed fully.

"Expected from one of my prime students," praised Old Man Pond, taking back his pets.

"Roar of the Poison God!" yelled the Commander, with a breath of death coming out from his mouth.

"Howl of the Valkyrie!" yelled a weakened and pissed off Mavislin. Light and green met head-on with each other, causing a massive shockwave. As both attacks dispersed into Baldwin's Auras, Old Man Pond let out a laugh.

"It seems that I've underestimated that weak Princess from above. The one out of her Time Stream. Looks like the girl wants to fight me as well. Sorry, but your Memory mess won't affect me," explained the Poison Thing. Raiyen had a fierce look on his face while Mavislin gritted her teeth.

"Don't you dare try to harm her," said the two, in unison. Baldwin raised his staff into position, in an answer towards the raging Aura coming from Old Man Pond.

"I may be an Angry Man, but I'm not heartless." He then lunged at his enemy in an ungodly speed, one which even Raiyen could not rival.

"You can do anything towards me. Stab me, kill me, torture me. Poison me. But don't you dare lay a single disgusting finger of yours on my family!" yelled the Angry Man, grabbing his opponent's hand. More pressure was added as the two had a showdown in staring.

"You have no family, Baldwin Noble. Your only daughter died," said Old Man Pond. His eyes darkened while his smile got brighter. A tear fell from Ysabeau's eyes followed by several more. Mavislin wiped away the tears as she covered her mouth.

"And whose fault was that?!" yelled the angered Dark Mage, Auras clashing with each other.

"Don't take my threat lightly, Poisoned Pond. Don't assume that I won't do it. I've sacrificed so many things to get here, another on the pile won't make much of a difference now. I have got no mission of vengeance, but a duty of care and protection for the two kids that have brought the meaning to continue on with my pitiful and dark life. And I have a promise to keep. A promise that has kept me going," warned Baldwin as he held up his Ancient Relic.

"Do all Mages need a promise to continue moving forward?" asked Nova, stroking Fluffy gently.

"Why?" asked Ysabeau, voice shaking.

"Because that's a heartbreaking thing to know. That a life is only worth living if there's a promise to uphold," replied Nova, in sadness.