Memoria Astrum

"I've got no knowledge on how your power works, but I presume the baseline is manipulation of others' memories?" asked Ysabeau, lowering Fluffy, getting closer to the battle. Nova nodded as she gripped onto the beast firmly.

"Tell me, what is your strongest move? What is the strongest spell that you possess within your arsenal? One that you think is powerful enough to kill Old Man Pond," asked the High Queen.

"There's an ancient spell that one of my servants had mentioned to me. It requires the darkest memory of the target to activate. But the effects can be devastating," replied Nova, closing her eyes to grasp more information about the spell.

"Are you able to wield it?" This posed as a challenge to the young princess. Sure, she had used her powers to defend herself when Raiyen helped her escape the castle. But she had not used Magecraft to kill anyone before. Sure, she can wield it, using her Memory Element, she can implant the Memory on how to properly conjure the spell in her own head. That was no problem. The real challenge was to ability to shoulder the burden of being a killer.

"Would you sacrifice your own mind if it meant to save those that you love?" asked Nova, giving a challenge to Ysabeau. Were the lives down below worth the young Princess's mind?

"He's changing his Aura, get ready," instructed Baldwin, leaping back. Mavislin and Raiyen did the same, sensing the Aura to be on a danger level. Mavislin closed her eyes, slowly absorbing the remaining Light Elemental Energy within the barren wasteland. Without another heartbeat to lose, her open palm's fingertips started to light up. Her thumb had grown a small flower, while her index finger had conjured up a mini tornado, just floating above the fingertip. A small white orb engulfed by a pale blue flame was hovering above her middle finger, small pearls of both ice and water droplets danced above her ring finger. At last but not least, a bright orange fireball just barely touched the skin of her pinky fingertip.

"Fire of the Salamander. Water of the Mermaid. Earth of the Elephant. Wind of the Eagle. Light of the Dove. Darkness of the Bat. These are the elements I govern!" shouted Mavislin as her eyes started flicker through a series of different colors. The few items in her open palm started to amalgamate together, with the help of her other hand.

"It's been a long while since you used that move," said Baldwin, smiling. The attack was now a huge ball of rainbow light within Mavislin's grasp. Unlike the last time, she had no need to concentrate it to be bigger, it was enough to deal damage.

"Array Of Elements!" As the ball of light got released, Mavislin summoned her fully-grown Valokian wings. It was beyond massive as each movement rivaled that of Fluffy's own wings. Hell, it was even bigger than Fluffy's pair. Raiyen whipped out his twin daggers and aided in the fully matured attack. In a glitch, the playful Time Mage appeared right in front of the Commander.

"Light seeps into the air, Hope fills the land. Let there be joy, Let there be no pain. Heaven Sent!" With that, he slashed the golden dagger at Old Man Pond. Rising up his silver one, he finished his attack.

"Darkness seeps into the air, despair fills the land. Let there be pain, let there be no joy. Hell Bent!" Old Man Pond clenched his fist as he tried to brave the duo's attacks.

"I wonder what we'll you do after I throw in this attack," asked Baldwin, smiling.

"The Chains of hell. The Bounds of the Earth. The Power of this spell. Release the Hell Hound!" A huge Cerberus manifested out of the Ancient Relic that Baldwin wielded. With a single shockwave of poison, the three mages were sent flying as the enraged Commander stood proudly against their attacks.

"Wakie, wakie... Boys and girls..." said Old Man Pond, dropping a glass flask. As it shattered, a purple smoke escaped and soared through different directions. He held a maniacal smile as the dead started to rise.

"I didn't sign up for a zombie apocalypse," complained Raiyen, looking at the oncoming horde. Meanwhile, as the grounds below started to be clouded with Corrupt Aura, the clouds above were starting to converge on each other.

"It's the Husks. That means the Corrupt being back then is around now," said Ysabeau, eyes peeled on the battlefield.

"The fire burns as darkness lurks. Hearts of the past. Faces of the forgiven. Truths are gone, Liars are born. Their screams and pain, Calls of help in vain and going insane. Heal, Their broken hearts and minds. Their pain or cries. I call upon all that have lost their way and their minds. Combine," chanted Nova, placing her fingers on her head. Her mind started to whirl as all the memories that she had just summoned pulsate through her head. Seeing that much could potentially destroy any normal healthy mind, but for Memory Mages, it's quite different. Their resistance to illusions and memories are exponentially higher than other Mages. Though she was young, compared to Ysabeau, Nova would still have a better chance at pulling the spell off.

"Memoria Astrum!" The sky started to warp and change into a light purple colour. Those down below caught sight of what was going on, especially the two beings who were heading to aid the fight.