
Everyone's minds are the smartest from the dumbest.

Her mind started to burn as the flashbacks started to flood into her young mind. Tears streamed out as her fists clenched. But it wasn't the area's fault, it was the Time Mage before her. She had tried to pry into his mind. Was she far too young to comprehend the mind of a Time Mage? The past may hurt, but the future was unpredictable. That was what resides in his mind. The different alternative that an event was able to go with, the different Time Streams jumbled up in his brain. It's enough to make normal being go berserk. It made sense now, why he'd talked to himself at times. Would be able to handle all those Time Streams altogether? Only a madman could pull it off.

Everyone's feelings are the strongest from the weakest.

A person who is able to recreate each and every spell of the universe. The last of its kind, unable to remember its own birthplace. The power of language. However, he was known as the runt of the litter. Failing classes due to the incapability of his powers. He was the weakest, others around him questioned the boy. Bullied would be a good term to describe the strongest Mage of Earth. An incident had caused him to awaken his powers, the Knowledge Element. An Element unheard of, the only one person who can use it.

Everyone's eyes are the friendliest from the loneliest.

Why was everyone interested in things she had found boring? Or it was her interests that bore everyone around her? Her parents were of no help as their constant beatings had nearly crippled her painting hands. Others were frightened when she was able to master the Element of Wings. All those pain and hurt that she had to endure, she'd still did not hate them. It was time to be friendly for once.

Everyone's fortunes are the richest from the poorest.

He came from the rural areas of Philipines, tossed and thrown away by those who were richer than him. After a few special people who were patrolling the area noticed the young boy's abilities of technology, he was immediately hired. He was the one who introduced a particular language called Coding, into the world of technology. It allowed AI to flourish and grow, allowing the Philipines to be the leading country of that parallel universe. he rose to the top from absolutely nothing.

Everyone's memories are the happiest when the saddest.

So many suffered in the name of peace, war flashed before her eyes as she dived deeper into her parents' past. Why did it make her tear up to see the young Valkyrie and her twin playing together? Is it because of the oncoming betrayal Nova had seen that made the young princess cry? Or was it due to the fact that those were only happy memories that the Valkyrie could only keep? It was the opposite for the next flashback for Nova. She witnessed one of the darkest moments of her mother's life. The day that the Maiden Of Orleans was burnt at the stake. The one only time Nova truly feared her mother, the particular scene of which the mother threw the young girl into the raging inferno. During darkest of times, was where she had decided to make the Arks, the light of the future Mages. The following flashbacks were filled with adventure and fun, all because of a sad moment in a Mage's life.

Everyone's faces are the prettiest from the ugliest.

Her father was ridiculed for being an odd child. A child unwanted, never knowing his actual identity. Forcing him on the streets of London to live and die. Never knowing where he came from, he walked the same era as Jack The Ripper did. The constant beating from others had caused scarring on the poor infant's face, causing parents to abandon him in disgust. And yet, after a mishap of tampering Time Streams at such a young age, the boy went and became a playboy, a handsome man for the ladies to adore. Until he decided to settle down with a family of complexed backgrounds.

Everyone's hearts are bigger on the inside.

After the flashbacks had brushed by, a single being stood before the young Princess. Who was that being? She did not feel that it was her parents. Anger struck around the being. A Dark Aura loomed over the area. Nova was naturally scared and yet sad. However, the person turned, holding a small figure of a child. Another, slightly shorter person went towards the Angry Man and child. The family was happy. But Nova's feelings changed when a pair of hands snatched the slightly shorter person away from the taller being. It showed a few moments of the father and child moments before a sea of arms and fire took the child away from the being.

Everyone's actions are the wisest from the silliest.

Nova was unable to understand the reason behind the Pentacle Arks trying to achieve peace with the humans. They were the ones responsible for killing so many of their allies, yet they deemed fit for the killers to live. They knew that their only allies had gone and will never come back, and probably a whole lot more, and yet, they still continued to fight. Do they realize that whatever they try to fight for or protect will eventually die, or they are aware of that fact and thus they try their best to fight and protect, no matter what the circumstance? Or was it because of a promise? What's the point of fighting so hard if whatever they try to protect will eventually die? It seemed like a silly action to follow throughout the course of a thousand years.