Take the Initiative If You Like Him

Xiao Xiao leaned closer and squeezed Mei'er out of the way. "Mei'er, can you just stop trying to snatch Brother Lan away from me all the time? I don't even get the chance to talk to her."

"You can go talk to the nerd."

"Ah-Fei is no fun at all. He is so nerdy and stuffy. All he ever does is read books. Brother Lan is much better. Even if he doesn't talk at all, I can still look at him the entire day."

Mei'er saw the tug at the corners of Feng Tianlan's mouth and laughed even harder than before. With such a close friend by her side, life was really quite wonderful.

Chen Xinyi was seated by another campfire with an extremely begrudging look in her eyes as she watched how Feng Tianlan had both his arms draped over two women, one on either side. She could get over it if he fancied that Mei'er who was as alluring as a fairy. But why did he even like that Xiao Xiao, who was taller, stronger, and even more manly than any average man? She was even kind of silly!