State Preceptor’s Tricks I

Nan Xian's expression was cold—his eyes were fierce and fearless.

"My business has nothing to do with all of you…"

The lady let out a throaty seductive laugh. The laugh would have made everyone bow down in front of her pomegranate red dress willingly.

Of course, this was not the case.

The man in front of her was no ordinary man, his expression was still as cold as ever and he did not even waver.

"Nan Xian, you're willing to let go of your self-worth for a mere woman? Do you think? Those people… would allow it?"

She laughed hysterically.

"Don't you ever forget who you really are."


With a grim expression, Nan Xian reached out his palms. Powerful energy was fired from his palms and pierced through the lady's chest.

Her body was pushed backward. She quickly clung onto a nearby tree branch, afraid of falling embarrassingly onto the ground.

"Whatever my status is, has nothing to do with all of you."