The State Preceptor's Vicious Tongue IV

"Only those who are weak will criticize you about your weight. For me, your weight… is just fine."

Feng Ruqing's lips trembled at this.

Why did it feel like... what the state preceptor said just now was meant for Liu Yuchen?

"State preceptor, put me down." Feng Ruqing was afraid that the state preceptor would be crushed under her weight. She could not help but want to struggle out of the state preceptor's embrace. 

"There there. Don't move." The voice of the man was sweet and gentle. "We're only apart for a month. You're lighter now. Is there anyone bothering you and making you unable to have your meals properly?"

"Why can't I have my meal properly if someone is bothering me?"

"Don't I know about you? If someone you hate is bothering you that day, you would be so disgusted with that person that you can't have your meal. If you meet those people again, you can just ask Qing Zhu to go and deal with them. Just don't forget to have your meal."