Whatever It Takes, I'll Do It VIII

Were the people from Tian Shen Manor that arrogant?

"Nan Xian, Gu Zhenyang is a disciple under my sect. He is also the senior among the disciples. I cannot accept that you want to take him away for someone's revenge."

"I'm not here to ask for your opinion. I'm just here to inform you so that Gu Zhenyang could come out and meet me." His facial expression was still calm.

But, everybody could hear how he had almost used up all his patience.

He was growing impatient.

"Nan Xian, aren't you crossing the line? My Divine Herbs Sect is no less than your Tian Shen Manor! Even the master of your Shen Yao Manor wouldn't be that arrogant in front of me!"

Nan Xian scanned the sect master coldly.

That look sent a chill down the sect master's spine. It was like there was a sword at his neck and his facial expression worsened.

Young Master Nan Xian.

He was the son of the Mu family but he took the surname of his mother.