A Cheating Daughter IV

'The lady, Tang Yin, is right! All the men in this world are nothing but pigs! A bunch of liars! I will never believe in men anymore!'

Gu Yiyi took out a big trotter, took a big bite of it like she was biting into the flesh of the despicable men. Then, she turned to leave without sparing a glance at Qing Fei'er and Liu Xia.

Only when Gu Yiyi disappeared into the distance, Liu Xia's body slumped to the ground. Tears broke free from her eyes.

"Young Lady…what should we do now?"

Qin Fei'er quickly looked around, her eyes were full of panic. Only when she realized that no one was around that she sighed in relief. 

"Don't tell anyone about this when you get back!" It was Liu Xia's fault. Qin Fei'er must not let anyone know that the Mu family wanted to call off the marriage. Otherwise, the Qin family would get into trouble. 


In Deities Gate.

Deities Gate was on par with the Divine Herbs Sect and Tian Shen Manor.