The Wedding Day IV

He would never come back!

Ye Yi's words were like a rock that struck the crowd, causing an endless stir.

An old minister in the crowd was worried as he said, "Your Majesty, what is going on here? Now is the auspicious time for the wedding. Why hasn't the state preceptor returned yet?"

The others also looked at each other.

The quiet crowd started to be noisy after hearing the old minister's words.

'The state preceptor is supposed to be here now.'

'If he has not returned by now, today's wedding ceremony might be canceled...'

"Of course, he won't be back." Ye Yi stepped forward slowly with a cold, stern face. "He's too embarrassed to come back."

Feng Ruqing remained silent. She looked calm, without any emotion, as she stared at Ye Yi.

Ye Yi continued, "This lady... Do you all know her?"

The crowd turned to Tan Shuangshuang, who was standing next to Ye Yi.