Here Come the Troublemakers IV

"Actually... I didn't want to come to you this soon..."

She had been holding back all her anger because she wanted to find Xiao Ya through Feng Lianyi.

But people's patience had a limit...

Well, she would not kill Feng Lianyi. After all, if she killed her, and it turned out that Tian Ya did not even know her background, it would probably be hard to find out about her family.

But keeping her half-alive should be fine... 

'Just don't kill her all at once…'

"Feng Ruqing, General won't let you go when he returns! And all of you who have helped Feng Ruqing… General won't spare any single one of you! Hahaha!" Feng Lianyi laughed wildly, and what was hidden deep within her eyes was a monstrous, murderous intent.

All the young girls and men in the banquet hall were stunned.

'Feng Lianyi is completely crazy…'

'Did she just try to frame Feng Ruqing?'

'Didn't she come to her to apologize?'

The crowd finally realized...