Settling The Score III

"Master, you said that Feng Lianyi was being hunted by the Nan family back then. Is it true?"

'The Nan family!'

They were the most powerful men in this land. No one could beat them... 

Why would the Nan family hunt down Feng Lianyi?

"I had a grudge against the Nan family, and when I saw someone being hunted by them, of course, I'd rescued her. But if I had known that Feng Lianyi would turn like this, I wouldn't have even saved her in the first place."

Back then, Feng Lianyi was still young and well-behaved.

Every family had its problems, and when Feng Lianyi was kicked out, he could not bear to make her sadder, so he did not ask any questions about her family.

He respected her privacy, and he had not even investigated her family history.

Perhaps… He did not take the people of this mainland seriously.

He was unafraid even if he had many enemies because he did not think anyone could plot against him.