The Old Master has Recovered V

The blood stained the earth red.

The people standing in front of Suyi were also a part of the Nan family, but Suyi did not show any mercy as she looked at those robes stained red with blood.

Initially, she could still forgive them because she knew Nan Fang had deceived them. However, after her father came forward to explain the truth, they still consciously chose to trust Nan Fang.

As that was the case, they were then destined to be her enemies.


Liu Yi and other elders' faces changed dramatically. Even Little Soul's power alone had overwhelmed them, not to mention the huge pot.

If Nan Fang was not strong enough, perhaps…

They could not stop Suyi from leaving this place.

"Nan Xian..."

After Feng Ruqing handed that Nan family to the huge pot and Little Soul, she rushed to stand next to Nan Xian.

"Don't wait for them. Let's get out of here first."