The Past Life 83

 Inside the emperor's son-in-law's manor...

Princess Qingluo looked at the few people who had stopped her from going out. Her face darkened.

"What are you guys doing here? I am the princess. Who permitted you to stop me from going out?"

The guards did not move. Their faces were expressionless and cold. "I'm here by the order from the emperor."

Princess Qingluo almost spurted out a mouthful of blood. Her father believed that Dongfang Yu was related to the Ninth Emperor? It was ridiculous to treat her like this just because of a rumor.

"Get out of the way!"

She shouted sternly with a cold face.

The guards remained motionless. "This is the emperor's order. I dare not to release the princess. Princess, please go back and rest."

Princess Qingluo was so angry she slapped the guard's face.

The guard remained stiff, not even showing any expression.