Silly child, why won't you cry!

Zhang Fan's work in gynecology and obstetrics helped him to understand how difficult it was for women to give birth. In modern-day China, very few people would actually experience life-and-death situations. Yet, every woman who was a mother would have experienced such a life-and-death situation already. Only mothers would truly understand the difficulties involved!

Renovation was now completed on Zhang Fan's new apartment home. However, the apartment still wasn't ready for living in yet, because the smell of fresh paint was still too strong. The windows were being left open all day every day to help dissipate the scent. Zhang Fan intended on having Shao Hua's parents move in as their apartment was rather old and small.

They were all parents, and there was no need to separate parents into yours or mine. Zhang Fan had previously told Shao Hua, "Your parents are just like my parents!" He was the type who would do what he said!