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The vice director of neurovascular surgery at Chasu City Hospital was named Wang Weiping. He was a graduate from a well-respected college. Wang Weiping had worked hard as a doctor for all his life, and was scheduled to retire next year. Although he didn't really want to, his years were catching up to him—he was already 59 years old.

Wang Weiping was the really nice and friendly type who was always willing to take work shifts for others if they had anything else they needed to do instead. As Wang Weiping put it, "I only have a year left before my retirement. I want to do as much as I can before then!"

He was a veteran doctor and all-around nice guy who had a good reputation with both his patients and coworkers. Wang Weiping would always happily help out anyone who needed help. Over the years, he had gained many friends, and had excellent relationships with his coworkers.